17 hours
d4nny-'s forum posts
I'm confused.. if i close one eye i can see the exact same.. lol just no right peripheral vision.Hi and thanks for looking. I have glaucoma, and because of it I lost my left eye when I was 8. I've never really cared about '3D', I guess because I've gotten quite used to a 2D life; it's like my whole life is on a single screen :) But then, the 3DS is on its way, with 3D as the biggest new factor, and being a huge DS fan, I can't just ignore it.
I'm still having a bit of a hard time trying to understand how 3D works for the vast majority of you, people with two working eyes. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but basically, you always see two slightly different angles of the same object or scenery, therefore being able to perceive depth quite well. As far as I know, the 3DS will recreate this by sending two different images to each side, or eye, without glasses. These quick renders should get the point across...I hope:
Your left eye would see the 4, your right eye would see the 6. My question is, wouldn't people with one eye be able to see some sort of 3D effect on the 3DS? What I'm thinking is that, if I look at the screen, with my one good eye, from the right, I'll see the 6. As I move the screen to the right, I'll see both numbers (top image), and eventually I'll see the 4. This might happen by...
A) Moving my head horizontally from left to right and / or right to left
B) Moving the 3DS horizontally from left to right and / or right to left
C) Tilting the 3DS on place, from left to right and / or right to leftSo I might not get the full 3D experience, seeing both sides of the die at the same time, but maybe one of those three options will let me see some sort of pseudo-3D effect.
Of course, this is assuming that both images don't have to be seen (processed?) at the same time, in which case my whole idea is most likely incorrect. Anyone have any thoughts on this?
Statistically speaking, Asia has the most people so the likely hood of more of them being 'hot' is more probable than anywhere else.
Santa Claus and his reindeerTAMKFanactually, santa clause existed at one point in time, he went around delivering wood and **** to people though, not toys to little kids, but nessecary supplies for people in one little small town or something.
I don't know about you guys, but I refuse to ever use a BP gas station ever again.DA_B0MBGood idea. Because, you know, if everybody boycotted them because they aren't fixing the problem fast enough they wont have any money to fix the problem at all. And then guess what? The government steps in to 'fix' it, and then that's your money. Seriously, it's not like they wanted this to happen, they're people too.
This is pretty **** its one thing to go around trolling forums, chatrooms, ect or playing online games with people and when they **** up telling them to go kill themselves, but according to the article these were personal e-mails, which tells me he got to know him pretty well and still tried to influence him into taking his own life. This isn't like /b/ depression trolling. This person had a real personal connection with this man, this isn't acceptable under any circumstance.
Are you seriously asking if your stomach and head hurts, you're dying? Please god let this be a troll.My head has felt weird all day and my stomach hurt after eating a burger, my stomach usually hurts though. My head never feels weird and tonight I feel like I am kind of sick.
I got this..
[QUOTE="d4nny-"]Okay, and at the center of all the stars are pink elephants dancing to techno songs. There's no science specifically aimed to disclaim that is there? If you have no proof of a soul's existence, how do you expect people to disprove something that can't be studied? How can you disprove something that isn't there? You can't.[QUOTE="jalexbrown"] There is no scientific evidence to disprove the existence of a soul. :|lightleggy
...Please do not talk about how the heat produced, and the density at the center of a star would destroy the elephants, it was an hyperbolic example.
@ GabuEX- no, after the duplicate was made it would lead a separate existence from you, I would assume. I thought you meant if you made a duplicate while you were dead; however that would work.
ok dude, dont try to disprove/prove God or a soul (any spiritual stuff) with science because you cant. and your argument is completly invalid, as my signature says: the abscense of evidence is not the evidence of abscense. you do know that a lot of things that are proven by science today, were considered completly stupid yesterday because there were many close minded persons who thought that science had ALL the evidence for every single thing out there in front of them, look at how they failedYou cant, because it's not real, you can't disprove what doesn't exists, besides just saying that it doesn't exist. :lol: please give me an example relevant to the argument; where something religious was argued for and eventually disproved scientific minds.
There is no scientific evidence to disprove the existence of a soul. :| Okay, and at the center of all the stars are pink elephants dancing to techno songs. There's no science specifically aimed to disclaim that is there? If you have no proof of a soul's existence, how do you expect people to disprove something that can't be studied? How can you disprove something that isn't there? You can't.[QUOTE="d4nny-"]Nothing, and that's why souls don't exist. Humans have an indulged ignorant perspective of their existence in which they believe they hold some special place in the universe, as if their life, to nature, is worth any more than the fly laying eggs in feces. In my opinion when people die, they simply stop existing, there is no pain, there is not anything, there is just nothing, you no longer think because you are no longer alive- you no longer exist, and this scares people because the thought of no longer being is something most minds simply cannot comprehend. But if an exact copy was made of all your thoughts, feelings, and opinions it would, in essence, be you, there would be no way around it, the only way around it is through the argument that people have souls- but unfortunately this is where all arguments within science and religions end; scientist need proof or they will not believe it while religions will follow what they have been brought up to believe, regardless of facts contradicting it.
...Please do not talk about how the heat produced, and the density at the center of a star would destroy the elephants, it was an hyperbolic example.
@ GabuEX- no, after the duplicate was made it would lead a separate existence from you, I would assume. I thought you meant if you made a duplicate while you were dead; however that would work.
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