I don't care what it looks like; I want the game breaking "underground undercover / warn desdemona" bug fixed finally! the patch notes state this should now be fixed but it isn't.....
nice review. definitely will check this out. but please work on the monotony in your voice. you could put the most hyperactive child to sleep with ease. ;)
the PS+ games are getting ridiculous. While I loved the idea of getting indie games, Sony have now taken this too far; all we get are indie games!
Some of them are great and I would never have played them without getting them for "free" on ps+ so broadening the market for indie games is a great idea. Why all the games we get have to be indies I will never understand. Give us one big title and one indie. Where is the problem with that? If you run out of big titles (not any time soon as far as the library is concerned) Sony could include titles from PS NOW as well imo. That might help that service gain some much needed visibility and use, given the ridiculously overpriced models.
All in all, Sony has to do better. Just because everyone now owns a PS4 doesn't mean you have to give out rubbish titles to your paying player base. For the players, huh???
still don't know what the game is about, what gameplay is like and what I as the player would even be doing / trying to achieve. ridiculously stupid trailer... a trailer is supposed to pique my interest. not interested. moving on.
da_nibbler's comments