I'm pretty sure the ONLY way for a big sports title to not come to a console from EA is if the console isn't selling.. and the Wii is not in that situation by any means.ShakeNBake1491
Do you think that EA will come out with a nascar game for the wii? They said that they will support the wii pretty well. I am a huge nascar fan. I owned the gamecube and nascar 2006 didnt come out for the cube, so i bought the xbox just for the newest nascar game.
I just called Nintendo Customer Service and asked, they said they are having some a problems with the upload server and to give it another hour or so and it should be uprbrown3
What was your first ever gamecube game you bought? And when did you get your gamecube? I got my gamecube in November of 2001 and my first game was James Bond Under Fire which is still very fun.
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