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dalilone Blog


hey guys, wowie, i havent been here in forever, lurking yes, posting anything no.

life's been mad, it's crazy just trying to fit everything into a short 7 day week.

quick sorry to anyone that's been looking for recent stuff on my guides, they haven't been touched in awhile. soon, i promise. i have nearly two months of freedom :)

just a small shout out to any of the oldies on tv.com, still here? drop a line :)

also, wanted to do a small poll.

SIX MONTH ANNIVERSARIES, worth a celebration ?

xox Rach

australian idol editorship

hello !

long time no write/see/anything again!
but so not the point !

signed on today to find that... i now am the editor of Australian Idol . wow. :)

thanks ya'all !


mini life catch up, &ncis icons?

quite the 6 month update :P
haven't been up to much NCIS or tele wise..i'm quite up-to-date with the series; but not fully into making stuff all that much anymore :| could be a good thing i spose;

tons & tons been happening in real life;
i'll have to catch all yous up sometime soon.
i've actually started journalling. just so my head doesn't explode.
:) but its all good. different; but good.

N C I S I C O N S ?

[02] Jethro Gibbs / Mark Harmon
[04] Jenny Shepard / Lauren Holly
[03] Anthony DiNozzo / Michael Weatherly
[01] Kate Todd / Sasha Alexander
[03] Timothy McGee / Sean Murray
[04] Abigail Scuito / Pauley Perrette
[01] Ziva David / Cote de Pablo
[02] Ducky Mallad / David McCallum
[08] Kate&Tony
[01] Jenny&Gibbs
[06] Abby&McGee
[06] Episode Related / NCIS gen / other characters
[06] Various NCIS banners
[01] Kate&Tony wallpaper

[back in the livejournal]

xox rach.


nine things about you:
1. are you single? :)
2. are you happy? yesyes
3. are you sad? nope
4. are you italian? nope
5. are you pregnant? nope
6. are you ugly? nope "the king, is entralled with your beauty"
7. are you cold? nope
8. are you irish? nada

nine facts:
1. name? Rach
2. nicknames? rachie, rach q
3. location? study
4. hair color? black
5. current hairdo? none whatsoever. its up :D
6. birthday? october 30 90!
7.what was your last gift you got? pretty card & badge thingy
8. favorite color(s) blue :D
9. are you right or left handed? righty

nine things about your life
1. have feelings for someone? maybe, maybe not
2. have you ever been hurt emotionally? yessire
3. have you ever broken someone's heart? yes
4. have you ever liked someone but never told them? almost always
5. have any of your relationships been mistakes? nope
6. are you afraid of commitment? nope
7. do you still love an ex? nada
8. have you ever had a secret admirer? hahahahah yes, that was funny
9. do you like someone? maybe, maybe not

nine this or thats:
1. summer or winter? FALL
2. French or Spanish? spanish
3. vanilla or chocolate? vanilla :D
4. a few best friends or many regular friends? few best friends :D
5. television or internet? internet, that way you can get both !
6. pepsi or coke? neither, ew
7. wild night out or romantic night in? both :D
8. money or happiness? happiness :) always
9. night or day? night. thats where the fun is. (ie. 3am in mandurah)

nine have you ever:
1. been caught sneaking out? nope
2. been skinny dipping? nope
3. done something that you regret? absolutely
4. bungee jumped? absolutely never
5. kissed in the rain? nada
6. finished an entire jaw breaker? nope
7. wanted an ex boyfriend/girlfriend back? nope
8. kissed in the snow? what fun
9. wanted to kill yourself? yes.

nine preferences:
1. smile or eyes? eyes
2. light or dark hair? dark
3. hugs or kisses? depends who from
4. shorter or taller? taller
5. long hair or short hair? SHORT
6. romantic or spontaneous? bit of both :D
9. hook-up or relationships? Relationships
8. swinger or straight? straight as straight can be
9. trust or faith? both.

nine lasts:
1. last phone call you made? mother
2. last phone call you received? mother
3. last person you hung out with? work people :D
4. last person to hug you? megsy
5. last person you tackled? sana :D
6. last thing you ate? tofu :D:D
7. Last person you kissed/When? graduation, :D
8. last thing you laughed about? ugly betty. funny stuff


wow, kinda late for an 07-08 blog, but i thought what the heck... and my old blog has been there for too long anyway :D

in 2007; i,
grew up, a whole lot
got my heart broken,
got my heart fixed, :)
lost friends & a best friend,
made new friends,
became best friends with a boy; bad move; never again, until the one, :P
did my final school exams,
finished highschool,
turned seventeen,
got my license,
got into my first car accident, (not my fault btw :P)
started doing sound in my youthgroup,
got facebook, :lol:
went to melbourne for the first time ever,
continued being hooked on NCIS, NUMB3RS and HOUSE,
saw the bones/brennan kiss !,
came on tv.com alot less,
made more NCIS fanart,
stopped writing, (fully intend on starting again though)
started making and reading BONES fanstuff,
went to singapore,
submitted a ridiculous about of stuff,
went over 100 blogs,
started loving daylight savings,
decided the beach wasn't so bad after all,
went to the ball, :D:D
fell in love with STEP UP,
got my relationship with my GOD strong again,
went up 9 levels,
gota show editorship (rove live), :D
got people editorships :D
& much much much more, which i can't think off atm

2007, was an amazing year.

but in 2008; i,
am going to harvest west bible college, YEOW
am interning at my church, perth christian life centre
have gone to planetshakers conference for the fifth year running, FREEDOM IN A NAME
have just been asked to become a leader in my youth, :)
am going to start submitting stuff again,
refuse to let a television show rule my life,
am going to easter camp, firebrand camp andyoung adults retreat,

am going to do amazing things,
am going to mandurah for a late late leavers,
am not taking people for granted,
am living without compromise,
am loving girly things; like my heels, and those summer dresses, :D:D,
am completely giving up this year to serve my God,
am turning EIGHTEEN,
am in love,

2008, is going to blow my mind
:D & its only just getting started
can't wait

xx rach

open your eyes
look up to the sky
and tell me what you see
the sun is beating down
but you turn it back around
and you shine it up to me

first show editorship !

so much is happening so quickly..
& i don't just mean on tv.com, but in my life in general.

i am so happy, sad, enjoying it, surprised, loving it, hurt, everything right now.
but i'm relying on God so much more now than ever, its a great thing.

as for just some tv.com news, since that last sad sad sad blog (which, thank you all for your support by the way !) i've
- moved up to level 25 ! 74%, so i'm nearly there at 26. :D
- gained my first ever show guide editorship !

hip hip hooray for rove live!
huzzah for aussie tv.

xx rach

down, just down.

burn theory: when you stick your hand into fire and you get burned, the last thing you want to do, is to put your hand back into that fire.

i got burned.

& i'm down, really really down.

i'm the furthest thing from a people person at the moment.

just down. really really down.

he broke my heart on friday.

new level... 24!

hello all!

that's right! after weeks of submitting, i'm finally moving up another level! huzzah

level 24,

ps. did i mention how amazing you all are?

xx rach

for the love of blogging!

hello !

been awhile since you got a meaningful blog, and that might be awhile coming still, :P

but i've got new things..

1) look up! made a new tate banner, which i love, which explains its new address of "the top of my profile" black and white, which is too cool, and ohhhh the pretty people!

2) ohhh my goodness tele where have you been! I've been watching massive amounts of Criminal Minds (season 2) and CSI: New York (season 3) and woww! they are brilliant! go watch!!! right.. after you finish reading this blog. :)

3) oh my goodness! (once again) the talent in the world today is mind blowing! First off, Colbie Caillat. her music is amazing. i love every song, my favourite is "Bubbly". go google her, or if you're on myspace, thats where i found her. Secondly, Joe Brooks. Amazing amazing male talent. just found him today, he's a pommy bloke. love his voice, my favourite song would have to be "Superman" ! oh the talent! go have a listen, its a MUST! for both of them!

4) :) boys boys boys, they can drive you up the wall, on the ceiling and back again, but oh wow. they do make me smile.. more on them in the next blog. love love love! :)

5) happy.ness for some reason, i've just been really happy. really really happy. :) smiling alots, laughing lots, really enjoying LIFE, loving people. come join the happyness!

heaps of 'x's and 'o's & :)s

shipping survey

Six ships you like:

1. Tony and Kate
2. Bones and Booth
3. Elliot and Olivia
4. Charlie and Amita
5. Mac and Stella
6. McGee and Abby

Three ships you used to like, but don't anymore:

7. Palmer and Lee
8. Don and Terry
9. Danny and Lindsay

Three ships in your various fandoms that you can't stand:

10. Tony and Ziva
11. Kate and Gibbs
12. Olivia and Munch

Two ships you are curious about but haven't actually started shipping:

13. Gibbs and Mann
14. Tony and Jeanne

Why do you dislike #11 so much?

Kate and Gibbs?
He's looks old enough to be her father! And I just cannot see anything happening, even if I stretch out my imagination to thin it's thinner than a sheet of paper. That and I am so in love with TATE.

Who is someone you know that ships #13?

Haven't the slightest

What would be your ideal scenario for couple #3 (even if the show isn't on the air anymore)?

"Redeeming Olivia" the series by Chronicle of a Butterfly. Go have a read. A long, very long read.

Which is your favorite episode for #1? Try to pick just one, if you can.

One? Kudos to the person who made this survey... for adding "If you can" to the end of the question. If I had to answer, SWAK, without a doubt. The whole episode screams tate. Writers have even admitted to playing up the TATE in that episode! If my life didn't depend on the one, I'd add A Weak Link, Twilight (without the ending duh), Terminal Leave, Black Water, The Bone Yard, yeah, just add Season Two to that.

How long have you been following couple #6?

Quite awhile, I'm not an avid shipper of TIBBY like I am for TATE. But they're just so cute together. "Never with you Timmy!", "Fantasize later Hemmingway!"

What's the story with #8? What made you stop liking them/caring?

She just disappeared off the show!

Which ship do you prefer - #2 or #4?

Bah ! I couldn't give you a straight answer Honestly, on tele probably Charlie and Amita, because they're the cutest couple on the show. But if we were talking fanfiction, I like Bones and Booth better, and I have never read one good fiction on Charlie and Amita.!

You have the power to make one ship non existent. Choose from #10 or #12.

"Oh 10. Definitely 10." - the lovely Ellen
Absolutely TEN! There's not even a competition there!

What interests you about #14?

I don't like that ship. If I had any say at all, TATE would rule all. :D.But Tony and Jeanne gets a mention in this "interested" segment because I love that Tony's finally getting some character development! I absolutely love his romantic side, especially the scene where he sets up a table, chairs and food in the middle of the hospital carpark just for her! I'd imagine that's how he'd be with Kate, you know, when she gets tired of Hawaii.

When did you stop liking #7?

Nothing new! Ever so often we get to see the two of them shackin' up somewhere like in autopsy. It gets boring after awhile.

Did your waning interest in #9 kill your interest in the show?

No, I still watch CSI:NY off and on, never was a hardcore fan. But it still is my favourite of all the CSIs.

What's a song that reminds you of #5?

Don't really think of songs for them...

Which of these ships do you love the most?

Hello! Have we met? Yeah. TATE. Duh.

Which do you dislike the most?

Tony and freakin' Zeeeva. Scratch that. Tony and anyone but Kate, Kate with anyone part from Tony. T&K is love.

If you could have any of these two pairings double date, who would it be?

Tony and Kate, Mac and Stella. I think the boys will find stuff in common and the girls definitely do.

Have #2 kissed yet?

No, but they've hugged! & they're pretty much best friends. And they were left standing at the altar.....

Did #4 have a happy ending?
