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getting there, but not quite there....

hey guys! just thought i'd check in on the site...

and i really wanted to say a huge

thank you

to all you guys for your support, it's important to me, and i'm glad you're all supporting me in this. i need this.

i've made two posts in the last 4 days - both done today and i'm very proud of myself. :) looks like i'm getting stuff done. :)

i'm getting there, but not quite there yet to getting on track with my relationship, and i'm realising on the stuff i've been missing out on. i hated going to church on the friday for youth and feeling like a fake and then going back on sunday feeling like a bigger fake each time. i hated closing my eyes and trying to worship my God but instead all i could see was something to do with NCIS.

but what i'm finding out again is brilliant. i'm loving being able to feel free and not like a have an obligation to be on here everyday, i'm loving the freedom i'm getting in spending my time that much more wisely, i'm loving the time that i'm now getting to spend with my God instead of being on the site trying to submit too many things for things that when you really put into perspective, don't amount to anything valuable in the end. and i'm loving all the extra time i have to spend with my friends. :)

it feels refreshing & awesome.

just one little note.... level 20. i'm there. :) cow bell?! looks like the submitting i did is paying off. :P


relationship blues. goodbye

yep.. you read right. relationship blues.. but it isn't what you're thinking.. theres no guy involved.. and there sure as heck arent any girls.

i've been doing some thinking lately.. mainly about the amount of time i'm spending every single day on this site. it's way too much, almost 8-10 hours everyday. and it ain't doin me any good.

heres a read of my profile:

 im known as dalilone (as my username suggests) aka rachel around the tv.com forums.. and a few other places if you bother to go find out and i live in Perth, Western Australia. I love my God, Jesus Christ with everything and would give up anything for him if i had to. I love watching TV (NCIS, House, Law and Order SVU & CI), making fanart, writing stories, reading, sleeping, normal stuff. When i'm not on the computer im usually either watching tv, doing homework/studying, eating or sleeping.. thats all for now. ciao.

and through my spending 8-10 hours on site everyday, it just doesn't seem that way anymore, i'm spending less and less time with my God and he is the most important thing in my life.

i need to get my relationship with him back on track before anything else.

hence from tomorrow (1st Jan) i will be off site until i feel that i'm back on track with the most important person in my life. the only thing i will promise on my coming back would be that i will be back by the 16th of Jan for NCIS ep chat (if i'm not in order by then) & i will continue with my writing / fanart making.

hope you all awesome people have a

happy new year

& may 2007 bring you joy, blessings and more wonderous memories. :)


new level!

hey there!

i've finally reached a new level! i'm now on level 19: Fall Guy. & once again i have no idea where it's from :P

in other level-ish news.. i've reached 600 accepted submissions!& i'm still working on the NCIS reviewing and 500 CP's goal.



candy canes

c a n d y  c a n e s

a candy maker in indiana wanted to make a candy that would be a witness, so he made the christmas candy cane. he incorporated several symbols for the birth, ministry and death of jesus christ.

he began with a stick of pure white, hard candy. white to symbolise the virgin birth and sinless nature of jesus; and hard to symbolise the solid rock, the foundation of the church, and the firmness of the promises of god.

the candy maker made the candy in the form of a 'j' to represent the precious name of jesus, who came to the earth as our saviour. it could also represent the staff of the 'good shepherd' wiht which he reaches down into the ditches of the world to life out the fallen lambs, which like all sheep have gone astray.

thinking that the candy was somewhat plain, the candy maker stained it with red stripes. he used three small stripes to show the stripes of the scourging jesus received by which we are healed. the large red stripe was for the blood shed by christ on the cross, so that we could have the promise of eternal life.

unfortunately, the candy became known as a candy cane - a meaningless decoration seen at christmas time. but the meaning is still there for those who 'have eyes to see and ears to hear'

so this christmas..  i leave you with a story... a story which you could intepret to have no meaning - as just a story made up by some "christians" to make religious meaning out of a simple christmas treat or you could intepret it as something different - the true story behind the christmas candy. and remembering it (or part of it :P) when you get another candy cane.

leaving you with one thing for this jolly season.

m e r r y c h r i s t m a s


back and music advertisement IV!

hey ya'all !

i'm back from leavers and i'm happy to say that it was fun fun fun and more fun! the most memorable line though.. would have to be when this drunk guy poked his head into our little apartment thingy where me and all my friends (guys & gals) were playing spoons and said...

"what's crackalakaling?!"

and we all pretended to be extremely interested in whatever he had to say... funny stuff. and then he proceeded to trip down the back way... funny as. :P

and another installment of music advertisements!

this time its for a new solo artist called Chad Blondel. He has the most amazing voice and has such talent... honestly.. you have got to check out his music.. his music "genre" is indie..which i love so.. really.. its a winner for me. and just for a lil bit of random information... my favourite song available of his to listen on myspace right now is pretty eyes which he wrote for his girlfriend. honestly... you have got to have a listen.. it's a the sweetest thing ever!

here's his music myspace thingy... have a listen !

Chad Blondel's myspace.

(if you're in australia you may have heard his song 'Chase' on a recent Home and Away ad.)


editorship, going away, little goal reached !

hey all!

thats right! another editorship ! this time.. i am proud to announce that i am now in control of NCIS' TPTB!! aka... the great

Donald P. Bellisario


i've reached another goal ! not the one with reviewing every episode of NCIS.. at least not quite yet... but i've reached

400 NCIS cp !

i could go on about how long i've been waiting for this moment.. believe me.. i'm saving it for 500 :P but honestly.. thats just what i've been aiming for after i got to 300 :)

alls good.

and one last thing..... LEAVERS ! starts tomorrow.. which means i shall me away till thursday at least. :) its gonna be heaps of fun and i cant wait.. although i just got back from another trip down to mandurah (which is lovely right now by the way) and i'm tired and a lil sick and haven't started packing yet. :P its gonna be an awesome week !

so goodbye for now.. i'll catch ya'all again sometime in the near near near future !


new level, new banner... dalilone's profile goes under a mini makeover !

soo.. it appears as though i have gone up another level! level 18... here i am! and apparently i am now a "land shark". the only shark related tv/movie i can think of at the moment.. is jaws... so maybe thats where its from... but maybe someone could tell me where its from??

and i've got a new banner... see? (points up) featuring my beloved TATE as always.... tell me your thoughts.. and theres also a new icon (points down) also featuring tate. :)

well.. that's all for now! oh yes.. the mini makeover... strictly limited to the banner (up) and the icon (down).



new icon!

so... after going through my favourite shows and basically updating them.. i've ended up with new percentages and therefore a new icon!

king of comedy
(i dont know how that works since i should be queen)


in other icon news.... i guess the turkey icon is here to stay!

and in other non-icon news... here's my goal for the holidays (which i'm on till feb) to review every single NCIS episode to date.

well... we'll see how i go! :P


new icon?

happy thanksgiving to all americans out there!

and yay on a turkey icon !


wonder if that's only there for today...


movies. III

that time again... rach's movie reviews time (or basically time where i have nothing better to do so why not talk about some movies?)


the movie that apparently... everyones seen... apart from me. until now.. it was an alright movie.. not overly fantastic, but good for a laugh. :wink: its a pretty old movie (i've heard) but it is alright. :) wouldnt be tops on my recommend list though.

cool movie! the plot was awesome.. i mean.. who woulda guessed the ending??? the only thing i didn't like about the whole thing was the affair.. i dont like them. but i do love jennifer aniston in this flick... dark side much?

i LOVED it! then again... i am a sucker for romance. i loved the romance of the whole thing. :wink: it was interesting as well.. how as everyone thought that she was dead.. and she turned out to be in a coma. and the life support twist was a good touch. i LOVED the ending, i loved the humour in the play. very cool. definitely one of the tops on my recommend list if you like romances. :D

a good movie.. with a lot of laughs.. not exactly the movie of my choice... but it was a decent movie all the same. (so what.. if the ending is kinda predictable..) but i loved the humour in it. :D

how can you say 'crap' to Spongebob Squarepants ??? it was hilarious at least. :D "i'm a gooby goober yeah!" :wink:

love it! but i am a total sucker for romance. :) i'm re-watching it as i type. :) yay for extras and special features! oh.. and a bonus for Chris Noth. :P

old school funny cop movie. i loved thescarcasm :P and the whole bad cop thing is cool. i love drama/action and both combined this way was brilliant. the acting was excellent.. and the baby girl was the cutest. :)

thats all for now!!
