Looks like the airplain map from tom clancy RogueSpear
dan_mimmsie's forum posts
I also use to be a pc gamer for 15yrs from the old Celeron pentium and finally to building Ur own pc and I've always likes Sony's consoles since ps1 and the reason from pc to ps4 is not only due to the games but these days now the price to upgrade is getting beyond a joke and can't afford it
uncharted for me zelda looks to kiddish for me and not a fan of halo they seem to be all the same with upgraded rez and textures
only xbox fanboys will say xbox got better exclusives but to me i think its the same old crap besides Quantum and sunset the rest is nothing but halo and forza? everythink else is pretty much times exclusives on the other hand sony has alot of exclusives and more to show thats what i see in my eyes
if its any good i be getting the ps4 version since all i have is a playstation 4 i did have a pc but sold it due to costing to much for parts and repair
plenty of xbox fanboys on this page but y go to xbox when they just rely on pretty much the same games forza gears and halo thats all there has been quantum looks nice and sunset looks meh but im looking forward to planetside 2 , Loadout , Deep Down , Guns up , kingdom under fire 2 and everquest in 2014 aswell as good multiplat titles so please explain to me how xbox is any better!
@slim70: hows the xbox got superior online? u did know that xbox online got hacked aswell and brought the servers down aswell? so dont go around saying xbox is superior when clearly is not! and you do know microsoft is also in a financial situation aswell considering investors wanted microsoft to sell its xbox brand u fanboy.
and games you tell me what games microsoft got besides halo , forza , quantum break and sunset overdrive? pretty much nothing! atleast sony has much bigger 1st party and alot of support from third party and indie thats what puts sony on top of microsoft! what makes sony much better then microsoft they offer more variety games like hello games with no mans sky to LBP from order 1886 to uncharted 4 and yet they still got more games to announce so you stick with your timed exclusive console y we get the benefit of some proper games ' looking forward to H1Z1' sorry xbox you dont get it
Hmmm what other games does the X1 have, let me see if I can help with that. Gears, Ori and the blind Forrest, Smite, Crackdown, Phatom Dust, Fable Legends, ScaleBound, Titanfall, TombRaider {Times Exclusive}, Killer Instinct, Dead Rising and I'm sure more exclusives to be announced. As far as the superior Online, I think they are both on equal ground but the social aspect of X1 is more streamlined than it is on the PS4. I don't know how many times I"m looking at Twitch on the PS4 and it just stops working while on the X1 it runs next to perfect with no drops.
prepared to sony Having Killzone, Driveclub, H1Z1 , Planetside 2 , Wild , Uncharted 4 , Until dawn , order 1886 , infamous, everybody gone to rapture , no mans sky ( timed exclusive ) , socom , Rime , Bloodbourne ,shadow of the beast , Deep down , LBP3 , and sony still has still more to show im not sure about twitch ive never had any drops unless im on it at the wrong time to notice
@slim70: hows the xbox got superior online? u did know that xbox online got hacked aswell and brought the servers down aswell? so dont go around saying xbox is superior when clearly is not! and you do know microsoft is also in a financial situation aswell considering investors wanted microsoft to sell its xbox brand u fanboy.
and games you tell me what games microsoft got besides halo , forza , quantum break and sunset overdrive? pretty much nothing! atleast sony has much bigger 1st party and alot of support from third party and indie thats what puts sony on top of microsoft! what makes sony much better then microsoft they offer more variety games like hello games with no mans sky to LBP from order 1886 to uncharted 4 and yet they still got more games to announce so you stick with your timed exclusive console y we get the benefit of some proper games ' looking forward to H1Z1' sorry xbox you dont get it
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