Hey guys I just got my DS and I want to eventually play all the Final Fantasy games because I loved FF7 back on the PS and even the older SNES ones. I am wondering, do the story lines of these FF games have anything to do with each other?? Is there a certain order I should play the games? If so could you please list them for me. I figured I would start with the oldest one being Final Fantasy 3 but after that I am unsure which one to start. Also, can someone tell me if Final Fantasy 3 for DS is the same as Final Fantasy 3 for the SNES? Or is it a whole new story?
If you need to ask this question I think you need to go play it some more :P I love it for its competitiveness. Every other shooter I have played has been horribly unbalanced (especially MW2) that I can't play it competitively. I went back to try Modern Warfare for a bit and it was so boring. I was just one shot deagling everyone. In CSS you have to work for your kills and when you get a 5 kill streak in CSS it actually feels good verses getting a 15 kill streak in Modern Warfare and going "MEH".
I seriously thought this was a joke topic.. Half-Life 2 scary?? I'm currently playing Condemned: Criminal Origins and I'm hardly finding that game scary.
After playing the last Prince of Persia game that came out before the forgotten sands I have been iffy about getting this one. I was actually thinking about replaying The Two Thrones the other day because I loved that one.
I wouldn't say never... There is a chance it will come out when sony makes there own operating system...... So yeah.. I guess that would be never :P :P
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