WHOO HOO!! Finally did it! 10 months after I got it and its coming out, I have beaten Tales of Vesperia for the 1st time. I plan to go back into it casually though. 51:43 game time. And I am also currently playing Prototype. I'm 8 missions away and have put a little over 8 hours into it as well. I'm also going to start playing Red Faction Guerilla as well soon. And I'll pick up Star Ocean again when I get some off time from work. DS wise I'm playing Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time. Fantastic game on the DS. And I'm also about halfway through the first halo book. Whew that's a lot.
danflyhight Blog
My first blog post in a while.
by danflyhight on Comments
Well my last post had to do with my GBA SP, well I sold it for a DSi. Its amazing, I've got 4 games for it now. I'm currently running through Tales of Vesperia. Amazing game really.
Another RPG for my GBA
by danflyhight on Comments
I found another RPG yesterday at my store for my GBA. And a classic if anyone knows about it. Golden Sun. A brilliant RPG that even had a sequel on the same system. I recently got to a part where I've had to ask myself a question and here it is: Why do I get more experience points and gold from a rat than I do a zombie? Zombies give me 7 exp and 8 gold. I get 14 exp and about 15-17 gold for every rat I kill. Where's the logic?
Fads today
by danflyhight on Comments
Apparently, Bakugan is the new fad. It takes the place of what was, to me, pokemon cards. You get little figures and cards to play them. My little brother has been buying them like crazy, he has about 20 different ones now and he showed me how to play. And to top it all off, they're expensive as heck. Each one is either 5 or 6 bucks. Its one figure 1 metal card and 1 other card. Then they have a carrier that comes with the 2 cards and a figure for 10 bucks. you can get a launcher by itself for 10 bucks. A carrier which can hold 15 figures is 20 bucks. The "official" arena to play in, which is just a playset, comes by itself no figures, for 30 bucks. Or you can buy a tin with 6 figures for 25 bucks or a box with 6 figures and 6 of each cards for 20 bucks, no tin though. THESE THINGS ARE TOO EXPENSIVE!!! AND THIS FAD NEEDS TO DIE!
With the economy like it is...
by danflyhight on Comments
I can't help but wonder what studios will close next. If I don't see Pandemic close down, I'll be surprised. They're last two games have been lackluster at best. Mercenaries 2, although a nice sand box game, just isn't the greatest. And Lord of the Rings? Well, I can't write a review because its less than 100 characters! I know they're part of EA so its unlikely, and they've been around for awhile, but still...I almost want them to close unless they start to step it up.
My GBA Yu-Gi-Oh experience.
by danflyhight on Comments
I have put a crap load of game time into this game already. I know its entirely possible to load your real life deck into your game using the password and IF i could do this, I bet this game would be much easier. However, I say if because when you use the password feature in this game, you have to pay for each individual card, rather than a pack normally at the shop and my cards are expensive as heck in the game. Each one, so far, is 1000G which i can usually obtain in about 2 matches as long as I win. However, the cards you get by default are so flawed its not funny. Almost all your level 4 or lower have no attack and defense and you even have to remove some from play to play them, there's no mid-level (level 5-6) in the deck and 3 level 7's. one of which is a ritual monster and one's a fusion. So its not good at all. Luckily, I bought some packs with the 3000G you start out with when you turn the game on. I took out all theunnecessarycards and put in ones that fit and although I still lose sometimes, I've got about 25% of my deck in the game. It takes about a weekend (in game) to get enough to unlock 3 of my real life decks in there, which means playing through the week...so I'm putting in a lot of time in this game. I'll also mention that I've scored over 300 Million points on the Sapphire board in Pokemon pinball, I'm about an hour into Metroid. Final Fantasy 4 and 6 are awesome. And medabots is kinda frustrating. But I'm getting there. Cheers all.
More Old School (who reads these?)
by danflyhight on Comments
Well I got 4 more games for my SP today by trading in 3 of my 360 games I don't play. I go:
Pokemon Pinball: Ruby and Sapphire
Metroid: Zero Mission
Yu-Gi-Oh GX Duel Academy
Medabots AX: Metabee Versoin
Oh yea. I'm really starting to love my SP.
Old school rules
by danflyhight on Comments
Well as my luck would have it, the GBA SP went down 10 bucks starting today, so I got it for $33 (including my emp. discount at my store) and got Final Fantasy IV and VI. Two great games for their time. All for under $70 and I feel fulfilled. Now I got something to distract me until my 360 returns to me fixed.
I'm going semi-old school
by danflyhight on Comments
Well, since my 360 red lighted I figure I need a distraction. Yesterday, I went to my car insurance office to make a payment, turns out though, that this month is my free month (that's right my 6th month of payment is free!), now that means that I went from having to spend $140 to having $140 in my pocket. Last night I decided to be generous and take my family out to dinner, which cost me $60 and I got a deal on a pair of pants only costing about $5 at Target. I now have $73. Today when I go to work, I'm going to get a GameBoy Advance SP. I never owned one, though I had the original Advance. I also plan on getting at least 1 of the final fantasy games for it. I hope VI hasn't been bought. or IV one of those. Not to mention I get a %15 discount since I work at Gamestop and that's where I'm getting one. Whoo hoo!
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