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danflyhight Blog

Two Tragedies in as many days

Well my 360 red lighted and so I have to send it in....grrrrr. And my friend, oneantlereddeer lost his computer to a trojan virus. Sources say his father is to blame as consistently visiting "free ringtone" sites is to blame. Yay malware...

What in the WORLD?!?!?

Alright well I just wasted a half hour of my life watching/listening to the best of 2008 right here on gamespot. First off, I'd just like to ask why in the world more feeling can't be put into the people who talk on these videos? The staff here should sound like professionals in front of a group of people not just one person reading off a sheet of paper into a microphone. Not to mention that if you listen to the guy who reads off the nominees and winners, its just his voice looped for every time he has to say the same game. Listen to every time he says, "And the the nominees are..." And it sounds the same. Every time he says burnout paradise and little big planet and metal gear solid guns of the patriots. Its the same mannerisms. They simply recorded his voice saying it once and then ran it over the video. Where's the feeling and professionalism in that?!? The only good part of this video, which I happened to laugh a lot at, was one of the nominees for best moment. And it comes from Blitz, The League II. YOU CAN RUPTURE YOUR SCROTUM!!! WTF

2 and 1/2 years...

Here's a look into my past: Today is December 11th. On June 11th, 2006 at 8:37 PM my father died. It is on the 11th of June and December that I take the time out of my day to remember my dad. Each of those days is another half of a year in which he's been gone. He died of a stroke. He was 57 years old. He was one of the wisest, smartest, funniest, persons I've ever known. And he was my very best friend. My father and I were very close. Its at a time like this where I wonder if he were still here, what would he say of me? If he just popped back into my life, would he be proud of me, would he be alright with where I am? But if he were alive this whole time, would I be the same man I am today? To these questions I will never have the answer. However, I think I'm okay with that. Perhaps it shouldn't be my dad's approval that I'm after. I'll never get it again after all. Perhaps I should start looking for my own approval.

Here it starts

Today I hit level 3! Awesome! Now I can write some reviews on games I play. I can't wait, but first....I have 5 hours of work ahead of me. I dunno where to start first though. I have a idea for reviewing the original Harvest Moon on the VC (NES). So I'll probably start there. Everyone who reads post: Get ready for some good reading! Oh and I picked up Marvel Ultimate Alliance and Forza Motorsport 2 today. I've had em before but my brother payed for half of it so he and I could play Marvel together so I figured it wasn't hard to do.

Blog #2

Today was tiring at work. I got home from doing stuff at like 11:30 and I had to wake up at 10 this morning so I went to bed at about 2 am i think it was. I worked out for the first time yesterday and did 4 sets of 10 reps of 115 lb benching exercises and I am sore today. Well my boss made me lift so much stuff today it was unfunny. But I ended up doing really well today and it turns out I'm up for a promotion. The decision's to be made in a couple of weeks so I gotta get on my A-Game. I also got my Fable II Pub Games code today, but it doesn't work. I think I have to wait until next week to use it so that sucks. I'm contemplating what to play right now as I write this. Half-Life 2 I think. I wanna hit level three on here so I can write some reviews on the games I play. Oh I know what I'll play! I'll find a guide on and go through the campaign of Command & Conquer 3: Kane's Wrath so I can stop hearing crap from my buddies Matt and Max. I am really dreading work next week as I recall, especially monday-tuesday. Monday I turn 21. I work from 9 pm monday to 1:30 am tuesday, then I have to go back to work 9 am tuesday till 5 pm. That's gonna SUCK SO BAD!!! But its gotta be done. If i do it without verbally complaining to my boss, I bet it'll give me some bonus points. Well I think that's enough for now. I'll probably go look at some reviews and watch a video or two and post in the forums to make sure I hit level 3 tomorrow.

My First blog

I suppose I'm kinda doing this for the points to see if I level up, but here's my first one. So I went to create this account yesterday only to find out I created way back in october of 2006! I found it quite weird to know that I've been here so long and yet never did anything and forgot about it. Well I suppose I'm here to stay and I'll write reviews and blogs and become friends. Which is something I need to learn to do because my buddy vexx is here and I need to figure out how to add him to my friends list.
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