preach it dfannoo3 ive got a 360 and just recently a wii(with part of the money i saved for a ps3) and have to say its one of the smartest decisions ive made in gaming PLUS the headlines i read each week just make me feel even better about my decison(almost at the unatractive point of being smug but not quite) From what ive heard from associates microsofts talks with konami have been very interesting. timed exclusive for mgs is now very much on the cards. This is only set to change if the ps3 does a miracle catch up and leap frogs the 360 sales and dont expect any news for a while as ms have been put under silence due to the fact that konami do not want to effect ps3 sales with this news.
ALSO bill gates knew about high def dvds and blueray long before the 360 cameout he gave a talk at oxford university on the 360 and various matters. He said that the 360 did not have one of these players installed because he felt that there user base wanted to firstly play high def games which would be possible on dual layer dvds and also because with the progression of the internet people would beable to download high def content and eventually episodic contnent and entire games sraight to there hardrive(hence the bigger hard drive that is available)
Mgs is looking like it will be a timed exclusive from what ive heard from my contacts at ms and ff 13 is looking like it will be simultaneously launched on both consoles unless a miracle happpens financially for sony. konami have also set up a 360 dev studio with hideo kojima being in charge. he has stated "i do have a strong interst in creating somthing for the xbox 360. in the us and europe it is selling, and i think it will sell a lot this year as well. im a fan of gears of war as well, its very interesting." From what ive heard so far it look like being a third person shooter revolving around the world turning into zombies and you and a couple of others have to save the world. should be an adrenaline filled frenzy and with hideo the story will obviously be brilliant. Square soft are working on a mmorpg which they ahve said is for the 360 and pc. there has been no mention of it coming to ps3 but this does not mean that it won't. They are also working on an exclusive game for the 360 no word on this as of yet. Times ahve really changed and with iptv around the corner end of this year or start of the next willl make blueray out dated like minidisc was outdated by mp3. Downloadable content for games is already available with games like alan wake, blue dragon, two worlds and gta 4 getting episodic content. this would mean that the extra space on blue rays would be rendered useless and actualy be a disadvantage due to the added exspense of producing them. If you are a hardcore gamer and want all systems then great there will obviously be a few great first party games but if you are a casual gamer looking to buy one console i would reccomend the 360 as it has a very good first party lineup(halo,gears,huxely,alan wake,blue dragon, lost odyessy, crackdown, forza 2, pgr4, kameo, banjo and kazzoie, kane and lynch, the club, mass effect splinter cell last conviction, heavy rain, left for dead, ninja gaiden 2, jade empire 2 and APB Which is being developed by the crackdown dev team(headed by the gta founder) andis using the unreal engine. it will be a open criminal world mmorpg and sound like it could be the big game of 2008/2009. 360 will have a far bigger range of exclusives and with the experience and expertise there money has bought will all be of a high quality. ANYWAY CHECK OUT THE EXCLUSIVE GAMES COMING OUT FOR BOTH CONSOLES AND THE PLANS FOR XBOX LIVE AND PSN AND MAKE UP YOUR OWN MINDS. BUT REMEMBER THE FALL OF NINTENDO AND SEGA AND THE FAILURE OF THE MINDISC AND UMD ALL MADE BY SONY.
Mgs is looking like it will be a timed exclusive from what ive heard from my contacts at ms and ff 13 is looking like it will be simultaneously launched on both consoles unless a miracle happpens financially for sony. konami have also set up a 360 dev studio with hideo kojima being in charge. he has stated "i do have a strong interst in creating somthing for the xbox 360. in the us and europe it is selling, and i think it will sell a lot this year as well. im a fan of gears of war as well, its very interesting." From what ive heard so far it look like being a third person shooter revolving around the world turning into zombies and you and a couple of others have to save the world. should be an adrenaline filled frenzy and with hideo the story will obviously be brilliant. Square soft are working on a mmorpg which they ahve said is for the 360 and pc. there has been no mention of it coming to ps3 but this does not mean that it won't. They are also working on an exclusive game for the 360 no word on this as of yet. Times ahve really changed and with iptv around the corner end of this year or start of the next willl make blueray out dated like minidisc was outdated by mp3. Downloadable content for games is already available with games like alan wake, blue dragon, two worlds and gta 4 getting episodic content. this would mean that the extra space on blue rays would be rendered useless and actualy be a disadvantage due to the added exspense of producing them. If you are a hardcore gamer and want all systems then great there will obviously be a few great first party games but if you are a casual gamer looking to buy one console i would reccomend the 360 as it has a very good first party lineup(halo,gears,huxely,alan wake,blue dragon, lost odyessy, crackdown, forza 2, pgr4, kameo, banjo and kazzoie, kane and lynch, the club, mass effect splinter cell last conviction, heavy rain, left for dead, ninja gaiden 2, jade empire 2 and APB Which is being developed by the crackdown dev team(headed by the gta founder) andis using the unreal engine. it will be a open criminal world mmorpg and sound like it could be the big game of 2008/2009. 360 will have a far bigger range of exclusives and with the experience and expertise there money has bought will all be of a high quality. ANYWAY CHECK OUT THE EXCLUSIVE GAMES COMING OUT FOR BOTH CONSOLES AND THE PLANS FOR XBOX LIVE AND PSN AND MAKE UP YOUR OWN MINDS. BUT REMEMBER THE FALL OF NINTENDO AND SEGA AND THE FAILURE OF THE MINDISC AND UMD ALL MADE BY SONY.
DEVIL MAY CRY IS NOW COMING TO THE 360! This is the main problem they can't keep a hold of any of their big franchises meaning that you can have your cake(mass effect,blue dragon, lost odyessy,forza2 and halo3) and eat it(dmc, unreal and vf5) on the 360. EXPECT MORE SHOCK EXCUSIVES BEING LOST SOON AS THE WRITING is ON THE WALL.(ROLL ON MGS AND FF) home might be innovative but it ain't gonna be to fun when there is only a few thousand people on it due to the other poor souls that bought the ps3 selling it on ebay.
P.S the cost thing is bs as the ps3 is a great price when you think about all it can do. The problem really is does everyone want all that it offers. i know that i don't want a hd player or blue ray. dvd quality is fine and i don't want to start my collection again just yet thank you very much. can ps3 play dvds?
I bough tmy 360 at christmas as i wanted to play somthing new over the holidays and gears looked to good to pass up. it is now march and i have 10 games. ive just bought crack down which im having fun with and want to buy lost planet. then im gonna buy blue dragon, mass effect and forza 2. Most of the great games are coming out for 360 and if you are a gamer your'e gonna want to play them. the only game i wanted for ps3 was vf5 and now thats coming to 360 and it looks like along with unreal more will follow. Heavenly sword, kill zone, ff and little big planet look great but with great stuff coming out for 360 my gaming needs are satisfied. To make me buy ps3 they will have to offer me somthing new that i must experience that i can't get from my 360. They have made a good start but theres a way to go yet to get me to pay £425. THIS GEN THE CHOICE BETWEEN MS AND SONY IS ADIFFICULT ONE THIS YEAR. But i already think that 360 will win because unlike us the casual gamer only cares about the gta's,pes,fifas, def jams, forzas,pgr and gts of this world and they can get this on 360 for cheaper. But with the internet being such a draw factor being able to surf the internet for those that don't have a laptop/computer in there room could be a big selling point. I F I HAD NOT BOUGHT A 360 AT CHRISTMAS I WOULD BE HAVING A HARD TIME DECIDING, but for now im gonna wait and see how the big exclusives pan out on each this year and in the meen time enjoy my 360 and then own both if its worth it.
P.s Home might be a good idea but i dont wanna spend my precious time walking around home chatting to people i dont know as i wanna play games (that what i bought my 360 for.) I also don't wanna spend my precious money on getting new clothes for my character or furniture for my virtual home. plus whos gonna check out your trophies apart from your friends. a gamer score is seen by every one and on games your skill does the talking not a big golden dong saying i mastered such and such. Graphics and games sell machines and 360 at the moments doing both really well and ps3 is doing graphics part well but is in the same league as the 360 with the 360 a few places in front (gears vs rofm.) Although oblivion does look slightly better on ps3 this is because of the time that wnet into the port and the new tech that was placed in to the game. this new tech will also be placed in the 360 version as an update. Most of all i feel special owning a 360 because of everything im getting to experience(excitment of gaming) If i owned a ps3 i would be angry that my console got downgraded, angry that i had to spend so much, angry that all my consoles exclusives were now multi format and most of all angry that the games line up for this year apart from the multi format releases is pretty much barren. when is ff 13 and big planet coming out? Ps3 could of been great but the fact is it ain't gonna get enough time to build up a big enough audience to then be great, a great name (pretty muddied) only gets you favour for so long. UMD, MINIDISC AND BETA MAX go to show that sony get it wrong and i think that they got this one way wrong. good luck ps3 owners your gonna need it.
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