P.s played crackdown and it was very fun but suffered from not having any substantial story line or much variation in missions but a good game to play as a come down from ff12(brilliant) I just hope that blue dragon, lost odyessy and mass effect manage to deliver this kind of quality rpging when they come out. I am optimisitc with mass effect so far looking amazing. Don't know to much about the others but from what i do know they look great.
AN ARTICLE FOR ANY ONE NOT QUITE SURE WHICH WAY TO GO IN THIS CONSOLE WAR. http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=37773http://www.hardcoreware.net/reviews/review-348-1.htm Gives you an insight into how things are panning out at the moment and looks to the future and helped me alot in deciding where to spend my money
WHO ON THIS SITE ACTUALLY HAS A PS3 OR IS GONNA BUY ONE WHEN THEY COME OUT IN EUROPE? I ask as i want to know how you condone buying a ps3 with its big price tag, lack of quality games and ps2 getting all the great new releases. WHAT GOOD EXCLUSIVES ARE COMING OUT FOR PS3 THIS YEAR? heavenly sword and lair look interesting but i havent heard anyhting about them and there are so many good exclusives coming out for 360 this year. I bought a 360 because i can't see how sony are gonna win but im willing to listen to see if i can be convinced to buy a ps3. this is what i and others fear will happen to ps3 and so makes me nervous about spending that kind of money on it. http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=37773
just played ff 12 on ps2 adn its brilliant and at the moment thats the big problem forget bc got a ps2 to play ps2 games a 360 and game cube for like wise. but don't have a ps3 as theres no good exclusive ps3 games to play except ff13 which will be out in two years at which time sony would of dropped their prices. Buy a 360 and enjoy while you wait for a price drop and decent ps3 games to come out. Mass effect, lost odyesssy, blue dragon, fable 2, forza 2 and pgr4, bio shock and halo 3 to look for ward 2. Hopefully by then they will of sorted out the rumble in the controller and the bc (ff12 looks really fuzzy on the american version so we will see about the eu version.)
Anyone that have not made their choice as far as next generation goes should read this article. http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=37773 P.s mGS 4 Looks like it will be ported to 360 if their is enough interst by 360 owners http://www.oxm.co.uk/articles/news/stealth/mgs4_on_xbox_360_you_decide! The squaresoft mmorpg is already being developed for pc and 360 but as of yet is not being devloped for ps3. If the way the winds blowing is anything to go by as far as exclusives go i think that ff13 will be exclusive to ps3 for maybe 6 months and then be ported to 360 so that square soft can make some money from it. Phil harrison stated that sony are concentrating on in house games such as lair and heavenly sword rather then securing exclusives from other companys. Correct me if im wrong but is this either a lie to cover up the loss of exclusives or the biggest mistake in gaming history. i mean sony make great electronics but they ain't no nintendo, konami, epic or rock star. Are people really gonna buy a ps3 so that they can play lair and heavenly sword when they can play great games from highly skilled and exerienced developeres on 360 and ps3 with 360 being considerably cheaper. i for one aint.
found some intersting bits of info. firstly a marketing survey company are doing a questionairre that asks wheter 360 owners would like to see mgs4 on their console . http://www.oxm.co.uk/articles/news/stealth/mgs4_on_xbox_360_you_decide! This reasearch cost money and im guessing that konami or ms are funding it. that means ms or konami are trying to find out whether it would be profitable to port mgs4 and i for one am not suprised by this. to find out why check this article out very informative. http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=37773
daniel665 I am not buying a ps3 as i feel that if i do i will probably lose alot of money it has lost all its exclusives for this year to 360. the 360 is now the main target for all developers apart from sony and wii exclusives. this means that ps3 will get inferior ports of 360 games which will have the limitations of the 360 and will not utilise the strengths of the ps3. The main selling points over the 360 were the name of the company, the great game heritage (ps1,ps2) and blue ray. The name of the company has been ripped to shreds due to downgradiing, loss of exclusives, lack of good games, the psp being outsold by the ds and the competition eclipsing them on whats on offer for this next generation at this present time. Some of game heritage is gonna be lost due to this emulation and i bet that games that use special techniques like god of war, gt, ff and mgs their will be glitches and problems. also people wanna play next genration games which apart from mgs, heavenly sword(still don't know to much about this) is available on the 360 along with all ms exclusives(gt-hd is not worth mentiong as to be honest it is a demo of gt4(ps2) in hd without rumble. Plus pgr 4 and forza 2 have eclipsed it. Blue ray will not have an impact on the games being made because the increased size will not be used by developers because it takes so much time to develop games like oblivion and gow that it will not be financially viable. Bluerays only benefit will be watching hd dvds but to do this you need a £400-£1000 tv first, a hdmi lead and even than there are hardly any br movies to watch. No one knows whether hd or br will win the format war and so you will be ending up taking a massive gamble. Look at beta max, umd and minidisc some of sonys previous format failures. Sonys stocks and shares have reduced considerably which means im not the only one who isn't to sure about sony anymore. in the end everyone has to make there own decision but i wanted to know all the facts before i made my decision and from waht i know that decison was 360. time will tell.
oh my god are these headlines being made up. I'd already opted for a 360 because of the mistakes and lack of respect that sony have shown to consumers and developers. I got stung by Sony's minidisc format but thankfully not by beta max and umd (psp.) Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. This is just another reason for me to resent Sony.
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