@Aletunda I see, i haven't played dyaz yet, but i have spent hours watching some great gameplay abd that got my atention how players where not concern at all at zombies! And only at other players, i hope the do a version for mac...Cant wait to play :(
In DayZ, it looks like more and more, the zombies are less of a threat, I thought it would be a major thing to be worry about, hence the game... but players just shoot at the first person they walk across... wasnt the idea to survive and talking advantage of join with other players? DayZ should boost the Zombie factor, make them a real danger and make people reconsider to shot gamers at first sight!
We have to admit,be very critical and neutral about FPS, and leave our passions out of it for a sec. here... Me, like millions out there love FPS, Cod, MW, Halo, BF3, including all those 3th PFS as well.
I Have being playing since the first video game came out....looooooong time ago. and I have to admit that besides some story telling and characters, FPS look exactly the same even since the first DOOM and DUKE NUKEM, they all are fun to play, but is like just a different "skin" and environment for all games, same gun/pistol position, almost same dynamics, 90% are linear, AI are really predictable, and in multi player we have the same story, same game modes, people running like headless chickens shooting like maniacs, etc.
I find very interesting how people defend they favorite games with such passion! and trash on others like there is no tomorrow... Halo's are not better or worst than CoD's or BF's they are basically the same. Is people who make the difference in them.
I stopped playing Halo years because of the gamer community in there, aggressive, non cooperative, abusive, bunch of 10 year old kids going mental and insulting they guts out.... sad. So, games are all cool and fun. Just play HARD and FARE!
so, besides the great looking graphics, deep story telling and characters and all that...no ROCKET RACE?!??!!? that was the single most fun thing about halo...
danielcliment's comments