gaming treadmill looks ridiculous and so much fun!! I would get the whole Oculus+Omni, gaming and exercising at the same time, cant see whats wrong with that!
Lets be honest, when did playing video games looked attracting or not ridiculous? Sitting on a couch with a half dead look LOL!
"you can use a boat as cover" , now they are thinking outside the box... you can also cover pretty much behind everything, a cardboard box, a thin wall, a cat, etc. that is the magic of NOT using FROSTBITE engine. Everything is bulletproof!!! :)
@ddoggbritt16 @danielcliment I'm so going to buy this game.... my girlfriend is going to hate me! the more men like video games, the more GF's hate's them! that a good way of knowing how good a game is.... ask your partner LOL
@valknight I agree, I just like the simplicity of the game if you know what I mean.
Even for such a realistic game like this one is has a bit to many stuff on screen, it would be great to have the option for a real Hard core version, no icons at all!! that way you will have to rely a lot more on your team.
I'm not against of any improvements in this game, but a second tablet i think is getting a bit to busy/futuristic.... I love BF for its simplicity (gameplay speaking) and the mind blowing graphics. Adding more and more stuff will end up loping like ghost recon or MW, who are god games on their own right.
LESS IS MORE... a game can have crappy graphics, but if the gameplay is good, that will determine its success, just look at PAC hasn't changed it more that 20 years or TETRIS, you can make them more "extreme" but the essence is what attracts gamers to them.
I would probably focus more on destructibility, random factors like weather, running and maybe falling down or tripping, etc. BF4 looks great and I hope DICE dont try to eat the whole cake in one bite!
Im not worried about the philosophical issue of what is real and whats not, i would like to hear about real medical and phisical consecuenses of using this gadgett...! But it look amazing i have to say!
danielcliment's comments