So you don't like the game because it too short, the puzzles are easy, the game play is repetitive. But you gree that the graphics are good. Hmm, seems like an odd opinion for someone with a God of War sig.....
the tank controls of RE make he ame un playable, i cant figure out how ppl actually played those games, i havent played the older games since the 90s and i always thought i just sucked a video games back then(my neighbor had a psx, i was still rockin' a 2600) i never realized the games were just crap.
also after playing MGS for ten minutes i thought it was aweful, but kept playing cause it was the only one i hadnt played and gotp was about to come out... anywho, by the first time i saw rex in the game i thought it was the best looking games ive seen in a while lol
it really depends on ypur tastes, its garenteed to be a great looking game, maybe graphics king this year. But for me i got bored of the first two after a day or two, its a true button masher that can probably be beaten by smashing the controler on your forehead(while using the left stick to guide kratos)
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