anyone having this problem or is it just my game. when you go to trade finder for example i wanna get Ryan Howard my game stops like 80% of the time music shuts down and game is frozen sometimes it will return to the screen if i hold down triangle anyone got amy ideas to fix it or should i return it and get a new game?
i havnt tried it yet but if someone has please mention how fun or unique it really is. i have to work soon so i dont have tim eto test it out iv only played 3 games so far and its very fun players where there sun glasses when its sunny long sleeves when its cold and im playing as the yankees and Cano has made some really good plays diving etc and on the third game it showed a close up on him and his hat was dirtyer than other and the game didnt start yet so i thaught that was pretty cool never seen something like that b4.with pitching its mostly the same as last year just with more detail and the inside edge has been greatly improved, the wings and stances look perfect and if you strike out for example A-Rod may throw the bat ot hit the bat against the helmet its fun to play and watch. i think gamespot should give this game about a 9 but most likely a 8.4 cuz sports games rarely get a high review
try and get there when they open tho cuz i know here in canada when it came out ppl that pre ordered had to wait even longer cuz the stores took to many pre orders and didnt get enough to fill the orders so just a lil advice is all
ahah yeah sorry bout that my comp is sending double like everything for some reason prob just cuz i get pissed when its going slow so i just jit submit a few times hoping it will go faster lol
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