So far I have bought
Thief Collectioin
Alan Wake
Alan Wake: AN
Galaxy on Fire 2
Crysis 2
Saints Row 3
Beyond Good and Evil
LA Noire
and am considering others.
A list of games I love on PC are
Battlefield series (2142, Bad Company 2, and BF3. I suggest BF3)
Diablo series (2 is the best, but it does suffer a bit from being so old, and 3 is great, but doesn't last as long as 2 does)
Batman Arkham series (playing City now and beat Asylum. Both great games)
Counterstrike (very competitve and fun, though nowhere near as addicting to me as Battlefield)
Borderlands series
Portal series (Portal 2 is amazing)
DayZ (very unique experience, though you may want to wait for the game of it rather than the mod)
Crysis and Crysis Warhead
Minecraft (very unique and fun if you are a creative person)
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