@heydink: The variation you speak of is not character diversity but the ability to change champions on the spot which is relatively inovative on it's own. Battleborn charachters are varied and play differently and even one charachter can be played differently depending on the talents you pick and also the counter you might have.
I've played numerous games in BB and you can counter different heroes with different talent picks (or even mutations) these change the primary role of the charachter as well. You make it look like BB has a straight forward play pattern but that couldn't be farther from the truth. Sure you might find such games in the early games where people have no idea what to do (same thing happens in OW at the start where people stick to their champs never countering anything).
And while you mentioned that people here are biased towards BB i've told you already i'm a fan of both games and have purchased both while also sinking 40 hours in both games (BB a bit more because it's not in beta)
@heydink: Probably because the slower and more methodical game doesn't suit you. This is not similar to games like TF like OW is and thus is a very different game. I could never play team fortress for example cause the game was boring for me. I played plenty of UT and Q3 on the other hand and also enjoyed my share of mobas and BB appeals to me just as much as OW does. They just scratch a different itch
@syntaxkt: I bought the game day one because I loved the beta and the game hasn't disappointed. I would easily rate it as a 8 or even 9 because it is just so much fun. I do understand that for the majority of players the talent system and the mutations are daunting (not to mention the gear) so it will scare them away (ironically the same people that yell that this is a game for kids :))
I like both Overwatch and Battleborn and pre-ordered both. But what I don't get is why some portray BB as simplistic and lacking content while Overwatch isn't being labeled with the same negative connotations? I can't even fathom anyone would say Overwatch is more complex or has more content because the fact of the matter is it just isn't. Overwatch is an arcadey fast paced arena shooter and extremely fun at that (with more slick controls and better netcode), Battleborn on the other hand is trying to mix that with a bit of a moba mechanics and offers more complexity to the mix. Am I missing something?
@kryllic: I know exactly what you mean and it's a valid opinion. They are still giving pre-orders the beta a few days early in may so that's something. I just don't think we should get any priority overall, it shouldn't entice you to preorder just to get the beta, you should get it if it's really something you want to play and more importantly support.
dariomeznari's comments