How many games (without photos, music, videos) can approximately fit in my ps3 40 GB ? I know I gotta count in those games that require installation that also takes memory but anyway can you tell me approximately ?
I'm tired of posting stuff in here, but I got nobody else to ask :evil: SO I'm kinda thinking of buying a new hardrive, BUT can anyone tell me WHAT HARD DRIVE EXACTLY should I get. PLEASE if possible try to give detailed information about IT because I really HAVE NO IDEA. :cry::twisted:
What were the scariest moments you've experienced while playing a game? For methere were many scary moments when Iwas playing Dead space, when those Necromorphs suddenly appeared from nowhere.
So i'm kinda planning to get it cause I loved the first one and all that mafia stuff is cool :P ...BUT I've heard that many are saying this game is short ... how can it be short if I have 3 cities to explore and each has so many rackets like the first one had in one city but here are 3 cities -3 times more rackets I guess... . AND are there any other possibilities like playing pool or simply hanging out somewhere. Tell me your thoughts !!!
So right now I have 85 % trophies but still to get 100 % i must get that DLC that costs money, but I can't register in PSN and buy stuff cause there isn't my country ... so what ... because of that sh*** I will never get those fuc*** 100 % trophies ?
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