I would say that Canadians don't hate Quebec and those from Quebec but there certainly is a degree of anger being dircected towards those that want Quebec to leave Canada. Canada has existed for a long time and the aspect of Quebecois culture as well as the french language has shaped the identity of the country. The easiest way to see this is in the fact that everything you buy here has English and French on it even though French is only spoken in a few small areas outside of Quebec. I don't speak French yet when I moved home from the UK I found it oddly comforting to see Fench on everything I buy because it meant I was home.
The idea of Quebec leaving a country that the bulk of it's citizens think highly of comes across as an insult to many. To add to that it's an insult that has come up again and again throughout Canadian history. The pull towards Quebec's independence is both unnecessary and would damage both Canada and Quebec in many ways were it to ever actually happen.
I love my country and since Quebec is part of my country I certainly don't hate the Quebecois. You are a unique part of Canada's identity.
Yeah, I have. While I was dating her she was a foreign student attending college and had to go home to Europe every summer from early June to the end of August. One summer night I was horny, drunk, and lonely and ended up doing things I shouldn't have. The next day I felt terrible and called her so I could be upfront and honest with her rather then hide it. We worked through it and today we're married and have a kid.
I stopped celebrating X-mas several years ago. Not believing in christianity I never did the Jesus birthday thing but even as a secular holiday I think X-mas has become a terrible perversion of what it's supposed to be. Anybody that has worked in retail around that time of year might understand. My wife however is an atheist but she celebrates X-mas with my family every year.
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