Don't like how the community treats the comment box? Then fucking get rid of it. Seriously. I said that in your feedback forum as soon as you guys decided to add this completely useless feature to nearly every news article, review, and blog. All these comment sections do are give every idiot on this planet with the internet the notion that their opinion matters.
Pretty much every woman my age plays cell phone games but I only know 1 that plays console games. I mean, I read the funnies in the Sunday paper but that doesn't make me a bibliophile.
@toshineon The message was directed at you but the words were directed at the comment writers in general. I'm sorry I made it sound like I called you out about justifying piracy when that wasn't my intention. I just see a lot more people defending piracy and pirates than against it/them here. That's a huge change from what Gamespot used to be, where if you even mentioned supporting piracy it would lead to a suspension or ban. Times have changed I guess and it's become okay to openly talk about it.
I agree completely that all the hateful comments are pretty disturbing, even if it is just mostly a bunch of high school kids bickering. The people wishing violence on petty criminals like pirates should probably go to counseling if they're serious or at least learn how to express their over exaggerations better in words if they're being sarcastic.
@toshineon For every one irrational person asking for the heads of pirates there are 30 pirates that are acting like their actions are either going to change the gaming industry for the better or not effect it at all. No, they shouldn't be sent to the chair or charged a million dollars but being charged retail for every game they've bragged about stealing in the past few years would be poetic justice.
If he's asking for me to "make noise" on Facebook that's not going to happen as I don't have an account but if you're reading this McGee, which you probably are not but I'm going to say it long as you cut all ties with EA I would buy the 3rd Alice game in a heartbeat. Just publish it on Steam yourself. :)
dark_surge's comments