Matt and Trey must be pissed/bummed. They finally get the South Park game they wanted and this happens. Not to mention it had a good chance of being a great game.
@rey2 It depends. I have some SNES games like Harvest Moon and Final Fantasy III that I had to replace the battery in but many of them still have the original batteries. So I'd say 12 or so years at the least and then they'll slowly start to die after that. That being said, there's a very good chance a lot of those games will have to have their batteries replaced. Still, that's an amazing collection. :)
@LockDeltz You don't own PSN though. That's what this is all about. They're not going to go to your house and take your modded PS3 away, they're just going to stop you from logging onto PSN. You can do whatever you want with your PS3, that's your right, but if it's against the ToS then you're SOL.
dark_surge's comments