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darkelf505 Blog

New Computer Arrived

My new computer, "lappy" has arrived. he appears to be healthy and well formed. He weighs 5.7 lbs, which I am told is a good birth weight. He is sleek and shiny, and I hope to keep him that way.

Ok, off the baby humor. My new dell is exactly what I wanted it to be. I will say this too, i bought a book on vista and read it before my laptop arrived. if you are one of those that has not tried vista cause you heard it sucks, it doesn't. It's graphics are great, the security features are much better, and it is easier to do alot of things once you learn how. Overall, i'll give it an 8.5)would have given the highest score of any previous version a 6.5, since they were all just retolled win 95's anyways).

Why GameSpot is off target with Call of Duty 4

Most of the time,I think that this website's game reviews are spot on, so to speak. I also understand that as a reviewer, your job is to find what you like about the game, ut also to find what is wrong with the game. I've got to tell you, the review and 9.0 rating given to Call of Duty 4...well, somebody's aim was a little off on that one.

I have been playing first person shooters since the original Castle Wolfenstein. I have played the halo's, delta forces, doom's and many many others through the generations of gaming. So, I am kinda hard to please. For ecample, i thougt that COD wa a significant step down for the series. So when I see a game as MIND BLOWINGLY good as COD 4, I can only stutter in amazement when GS gives it a 9.0.

I understand that the reviewer felt the single player campaign was too short. He probably felt that way because the game is so engrossing and so addictive you don't want to stop. That was the reviews only single gripe about the game. I don't feel, however, that GS gave nearly enough credit to COD 4 for all the incredible details, innovations, and improvements in this game. I know I am saying this in an era of great shooters, but this game simply blows the doors...literally, off any FPS made.

The graphics are stunning, the best I have ever seen in the genre. The weapons and movement are realistic simulations. The developers obviously did their research. The sound is fantastic, and will seriously pull you into the geame. The story is by far the best in the series. The true innovation occurs in the multiplayer.

As a fan of both FPS's, and RPG's, I can appreciate why people enjoy both. Shooters have action, stealth, that satisfying crunch of watching your opponent crumple to the ground. Roleplay games allow you to make your character more and more unique and powerful. As you gain experience points, you can develop your character to become more uniquely yours. COD 4 combines these elements amazingly well. As you fight, you gain rank and obtain challenges. This unlocks different weapons, abilities, camo, etc. The more you play, the more you unlock. What this creates is the most truly addictive muliplayer mode I have ever seen. This, combined with the visuals, sound, incredible gameplay, and all the little details add up to what I strongly feel is the game of the year.

New Computer Fairey

In case anyone has been wondering why i have not been on quite as much, my computer died recently. i looked into it, and it was going to cost a bundle to fix. i decided to enter the modern age and buy a laptop and set up a wireless network. The new computer Fairey, who goes by the name Dell, is supposed to bless my house with this new electonic masterpiece in about 10 days or so.

Of course, while we all hate to spend the money, buying a new computer is also our chance to reach that heavenly place i like to refer to as...nerdvana. needless to say, i am awaiting the arrival of my new baby with breathless anticipation.

Home Computer fried

My home computer is soooo toasted. The blue screen of death comes up, and I can't even reload windows from cd. I tried switching the boot order in bios, safe mode, safemode with dos command, etc. i think the hard drive is gone...I knew i should have backed up my data last weekend...just had a feeling...sigh.

Review for last Oblivion Download

While I know this is not a game or even really an expansion, as the final download available for Oblivion from Bethesda, I thought it appropriate to review the castle Battlehorn, a stronghold meant for fighter type characters.

This was advertised as both a lair and a quest. Initially I was rather diappointed. The initial quest is to save the castle from siege by a band of mauraders. The castle lord has already fallen, and the knights inhabiting the castle have sent out word for help. And boy do they need it. The men at arms, while brave, are all equipped with iron weapons and armor. They will quickly fall unconscious to the daedric and ebony equipped mauraders that are attacking. As you arrive, the men at arms see you, and drop the gate to battle the mauraders. Quickly enough you will be fighting the three mauraders alone.

If you are an experienced player, this will go quickly. The castle is then yours. It is the typical story where you travel to another city to equip your lair. This is initially where it is disappointing. While HUGE, the castle great hall looks empty. You have a wine maker. an armorer, two servants, a magic forge, etc....You also have several ill equipped men that will follow you when ordered, and one named second in command.

A little exploration and things get more interesting. You have a taxidermist. It is here that you realize that the great hall was left empty on purpose. Some diligent hunting the right ingrediants will leave your hall filled with statues of the beats you have beaten. It makes the great hall look far more ineresting.

You private quartes are excellent, and here you will find the best heavy armor in the game. You will find several secret doors, one leading to a general that opens up another in castle quest that I will not spoil. In the basement will will find the best training room in the game. it has multiple weapons training stations, but best yet, it had a permanant sparring partner. You can work on all your fighting skills while beating the man silly. Knock him unconscious, heal him, and he is ready for more. You can even choose what weapon he fights with, so you can work on your own fighting style.

Alkl in all, if you take the time to explore, the castle is excellent, and may become your personal project to decorate, make wine, etc. There are several features that could keep you occupied if you choose. In all, I would score it an 8.5 as an addition to Oblivion, definitely worth getting.

Remember it is free for the first week, and it was released today!

Role Play games: An Owner's Manual

I have been noticing a trend lately in the union forums that i belong to, and in the forums in general. it is not a new trend, in fact, it probably began in the 70's with the pen and paper 1st addition Dungeons and Dragons. The trend I am talking about is optimization. It seems like many players of RPGs are concerned with one thing only: "How powerful and strong can I make my character?"

While we all know that in most rpgs it is very important to strnethen your character in order to improve your chances of survival, it seems like most players take it so far they lose the most important aspects of the RPG altogether. I will use Oblivion as an example, though this applies to almost any RPG. Oblivion gives you wonderful options for character custimization. There are factions and guilds you can join and rise high in, groups you can help, etc. You can make choices based on good, evil, power, money, or just survival. Sounds a bit like real life, eh?

What makes RPG's so powerful is their ability to emulate real life, and to let us play a role. "play a role" is the important concept here. if you play through Oblivion and your only goal is to get every achievment, max your stats and skills, dominate every faction and guild, and get every powerful item in the game, etc., then you have lost something very valuable in the game. You are not role playing, you are simply gaming. I have played Oblivion through twice now.

The first time i played it, i was a Khajitt assassin. I took over the dark brotherhood, and thieves guild naturally. I even fought in the arena. I did not do the fighter guild quest line, the mages guild quest line, and DEFINITELY not the knights of nine. Why not? I would have gotten cool items, higher levels, etc. Well, i was playing an evil assassin. that means I made game decisions based on my actual character. what would he do when asked for help? What was in it for him? I stole, i mudered, i had a grand 'ol time.

The second time through I playedNord paladin like character. Naturally i started with the knights of nine quest line, and played the rest of the way through. Obviously, I played different quest lines, and avoided the thieves guild and the dark brotherhood. In fact, i never once recieved an infamy point. i worked for the gods, and helped any character with a noble and pure request.

How did that affect my game? it makes it more fun! i am not worried about stats, i am developing a character, and playing him out in a virtual world. It applies to pen and paper games like D&D, and it applies to video games as well. obviously some games, like Two Worlds may seriously limit your custimization choices, but you can still decide what your character is like and play him that way. Try it, you'll like it :)

Elder Scrolls V revisit

A Lot of people asked me about my last post on Elder Scrolls V. I don't have much more information to share. I know Bethesda stated that they have begun looking at ideas, and that they would begin full development after the release of fallout 3. I have no idea what the time line would be. I know they are considring a MMO aspect, but they may or may not happen. the most important thing I know is that Bethesda has confirmed that there will be an Elder Scrolls 5....woooooooooo!

Elder Scrolls V

As an Oblivion freak, I have read some recent confirmations that Elder Scrolls V is in the beginning stages of development. Assuming it builds off Oblivion the way Oblivion built off morrowwind, what changes/additions would you like to see in the game?What do you want to stay the same?Here are my personal thoughts.

1. greater weapon variety. One of the weaknesses in Oblivion is that really, there are very few weapon types for a game of it's caliber. You have basic levels of blade, axe, bow, and hammer, and then you have those in different materials. I would love to see different and more varied weapons. Polearms like halbreds and spears, crossbows, different types of swords like broadswords, greatswords, etc. Different types of daggers such as stilletto versus bodkin. Other games have done this very successfully.

2. More developed special combat moves. Combat is fairly repititve in Oblivion. As you advance in rank, it would be nice if you got some truly unique special attacks. better yet, give options, and let the player pick a special attack when they reach the next level for that weapon type.

Both 1 and 2 allow for greater character customization.

3. Horse combat. With better collision software than 2-worlds.

4. More varied visual effects for magic. A master level fire spell should look gloriously different than a novice level fire bolt.

5. More voice actors. Enough said.

6. More interaction/conflict between guilds. I know in Morrowwind it could be alot of fun when you were advancing as tong, thief, and fighter, and the quest lines would conflict. When as a fighter you are told to go kill your theives guild boss, you have to make a loyalty decision. Who are you going to help in this conflict? that was more or less absent in Oblivion.

What I want the same

1. the awesome character development system.

2. the great NPC's(with more voices)

3. Open ended rocks

4. The great guild development, and the ability to take over and run factions

5. pretty much everything else in Oblivion

My cat tried to kill me....

Most Gamers by now have heard that there is a new emotional mechanism in Fable 2....Your character has a pet. A dog in this case. You must care for and protect your dog, and if you don't, it will change the way people react to you. Since many people own and love pets, Fable 2 developers are trying to provide a more emotional connection between the player and the game.

But what about the darker side of owning a pet? What darker side you say? Well, this morning my cat tried to off me. yeah, you heard me. He made a premeditated attempt on my life. Yoda is his name...sounds sweet eh? He is half Siamese, and a beautiful, sweet litle cat....or so He lead me to believe the last five years. He has in fact just been biding his time, waiting for the right moment.

See, I know this, because I usually sleep on my side. I however injured my leg in Karate, and I ended up sleeping on my back last night. That was all the oppurtunity he needed. Sleeping soundly, not suspecting my impending doom, my "sweet", "loving" kitty decided now was the time.

I woke up in a panic as the little beast had decided to curl up his entire body and sleep....ON MY FACE. I don't know if any of you have been woken thusly, , but it is very difficult to breathe through a cat.When I woke unable to breathe, little yoda went flying as I quicklybolted straight upright. Don't worry, the foul plotter of my demise went unpunished, for he landed softly on the matress.

I swear he was laughing....

Romance Advice From a Nerd, Part 1

I just read the most horribly depressing series of blogs about romance. In a brief synopsis, the blogs would have us believe that most girls are not nice, they are hard to find, and that all men should just give up. (I am sure many women would say the same about their male counterparts) I was going to comment, but I decided instead to start my own series on the subject. I am not the relationship guru here, but I am a reasonably outgoing nerd(no, that is NOT an oxymoron). It occurred to me as I read the previously aforementioned blogs that it would be impossible to meet anyone, friend or romantic partner, if you are so consumed with fear.

:Starts automatically chanting from Dune.."fear is the mindkiller..Fear is the little death, I must not fear...":

Yeah, it sucks when you get your heart broken. We have ALL had it happen. It hurts, it makes us doubt ourselves, it makes us wonder why we try. We become afraid of getting our hearts broken again. So, this is my first bit of advice, to anyone that cares...

1. Take chances...

Any good relationship, be it love, friendship, family, or a really good working relationship, involves risk. First, before any form of relationship can occur, you have to take a chance. You have to reach out to someone. You have to open up and make yourself vulnerable. Here is my recent example, and what probably ended up being my muse for this blog. I only recently found the social aspect of Gamespot. I originally joined this site just to get information about new games. A couple of weeks ago, I actually started posting and joining unions. I have met some of the coolest people since then.

Several days ago a young woman joined a union I was in. She seemed funny and interesting. I almost said nothing, but I sucked it up and took a chance. I sent her a PM. She actually responded, and recently I had the most amazing conversation with her. I don't know where it will go, but I am definitely glad I took a risk. And the more we share, the more risk we feel like we are taking.

I am not gloating here, because like everyone else, i have fallen on my face.I have have had my heart broken. And yeah, when I meet somebody, I have that moment of hesitation. That is the part where you have to suck it up and take a chance. Think Spartan hear, grab your shield, and see what happens. (sorry, just watched 300 yet again) The only time romance is truly dead is when you stop trying. If you don't offer someone the chance to find out how great you are, nobody ever will. Eventually you will find that person that you can be vulnerable with, share that dark secret or fear or flaw or whatever about yourself, and find out they accept you anyways. Heck, you might even find out they like you more because of it. And what is the alternative, to be "safe", never take a risk, and never find out if there is more out there. That's not for me, and hopefully it is not for you either.

And to that anonymous person from last night, thank you for taking a chance on me too. I can't wait to talk to you again.

Ok, that is my first piece of advice, take it or leave it. I plan on writing some more in this series either way, that's the great thing about Gamespot and free speech :).

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