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darklord888 Blog

I almost got a 360...

Man this sucks. :(
I wanted a 360 for chistmas but overall it just cost to much. Then I see someone is selling theirs on another forum I go to. premium 360, extra controller, gears of war, dead rising, saints row, wireless headset and 9 months worth on gold xbox live for the price of just the console new!

I bought it...or so I though. After I said yes i'd buy it this other moron came in saying he wanted it too and he should get it because he won't have to post it, he'll pick it up.
I said I was getting it and just to make it sound better I added $15 more to the price i'd pay but still this guy kept pushing. Everyone else was saying it was mine and he missed out but he kept going on and on then just now I have a look in the thread and saw he won it!
After I said sold and a cheaper price!! All because the guy couldn't be stuffed posting it down to me. Wow so i'm paying $615(Australian price remember) but it's to hard to go to a post office and stick it in a box? Why the hell sell it over the internet then? Should have just put an ad in the local paper. Jackass.
I had to beg for a loan to get it as well seeing as I was still short by a bit and that was a waste of time.

*sigh* I was so close to getting what I really wanted for christmas but now some other moron gets it. :(

Won 3 times in the last 3 weeks!

Well if you knew me in real life you would know...I have no luck. None. The funny thing is i've been lucky the past few weeks!

First I go into a competition to win a key in the supreme commander closed beta...and I won!
Then my parents buy a lotto ticket and I check to see if they won and they did!($30 not millions :P)
Then I got an e-mail saying I won a double pass to see the Descent at the movies! It just came out here. :)

Maybe it's time I visit the casino.  $500 on red! :P

Chrono Trigger, best RPG i've played in years.

Wow, after being out for almost 12 years I have finally decided to try Chrono Trigger on the Snes. All I gotta say it wow!

It is one of the best RPG i've ever played, the characters, boss fights, graphics(for a snes game), design(DBZ artists?), music and pretty much everything else is awesome! I'm not sure how far in I am but it's already as long as much new games and i'm still going.

If anyone hasn't played this and likes RPG's I really recommend finding it either off Ebay or..other sites *cough*. It is one of the best RPG's i've ever played(Joining the ranks of Star Wars: KotoR and ES3: Morrowind).

Anyway i'm back off to play it...funny with all the new games out an almost 12 year old game can beat so many.

Dawn of War: Dark Crusade

I got this game a few days ago and have been loving it. The Tau and Necron races are tons of fun. Some things need to be fixed like the Necon Lord being much much stronger that other heroes but overall it's one of the best expansion packs i've ever gotten(Best was the frozen throne).

Necrons are the most different race and fun to play but i'm enjoying the Tau more just because they're kick arse and really fun to play online. I love the look of Tau too and the knarloc beast(Kinda like a T-rex with a short tail) is cool too and rips apart pretty much anything. It's also a tiny bit better than the Bloodlord(I know this after seeing them 1vs1 at full health :) ).

I also got Fresh prince of belair season 3 on Dvd. That shows awesome.:D

PC or 360?!?!

Argh this is annoying. I don't know if i'm getting a 360 now or not. I really want one and probably can afford one but there are so many PC games coming out I don't think I will anymore.

I REALLY want to play dead rising and gears of war but the other games are on PC(R6: las vegas, SC: DA) and I also want to get Dawn of war: dark crusade, Neverwinter nights 2, WoW: burning crusade and yoshi's island 2 for the dslite.

Sigh no good games ALL year and now a ton in only a short space of time. :(

Maybe i'll wait until my b'day(28th july) and just get the pc games for now but by then i'll need a pc upgrade. Grrr!

What to do what to do...

Getting a 360! ...maybe.

Well I finally think I might beable to get a 360 for Christmas! I need to get a decent router(to play on live) and a monitor seeing as my tv now sucks but if all goes to plan i'll be playing by christmas morning. :D

I'll probably end up getting dead rising and/or gears of war and hopefully a gold account for live to play on.

I really hate this time of year, so many new good games coming out but not enough money to buy them with. I've gone for about 6-8 months without buying a PC game now 3 are out I really want. bah!

I need a job. -_-

omfg wii rip off!!!!!!!

I knew this would happen. Everyones gotten over hyped by the wii making up prices and dates. Nintendo say below $250 so people are going "It better be $150!!" like a f**king moron. Now the price and date are out all these people are pissed!

Its lower than $250, its out in about 8 weeks and has zelda as a launch title but all these people are going "whaaaaaa! i wanted 17 controllers boxes with it and 69 free games and 72 launch titles and 48 different colours and I WANT IT NOOOOW!"

To those people, STFU! Its the cheapest damn console WITH a free game, be happy its not $1000 like the PS3. Be happy it has some great features and great games.

This is also what I think of the whining.
Thankfully only 1 person jumped the gun and flamed me for the title before reading. :P 

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