darklordlaird's forum posts
LEIPZIG, Germany--A prominent developer has blasted the American Entertainment Software Rating Board, saying he thinks its ratings system "absolutely bizarre."
Julian Eggebrecht, the president of Factor 5, came to that opinion while trying to get a T for Teen rating for his company's forthcoming dragon fighter, Lair for the PlayStation 3. In order to do this, the San Rafael, California-based studio went through a process with the ESRB over "weeks and months," where it tweaked every bit of the game that the ratings body wanted it to.
Eggebrecht said, "You can set up to 5,000 people on fire, and they run around and scream, and that's fine because there's no blood." The executive was not impressed with the games rating system in the US and called it "problematic." He added, "It's a flat-out bizarre system, and I think it has no relation to what is happening in other media."
Eggbrecht also touches upon sexuality in games in addition to violence. My question to you all is this: Do you think the ESRB rating system is flawed? And if so, what should we do to fix it?
This statement is true for now. But I think it will end starting later this month with Warhawk. Then think about next month, Lair and Heavenly Sword followed by a whole slew of (hopefully) ported third-party releases. All capped off with Unreal Tournament 3 in November. Then followed by GTA4 and MGS4 in the spring.
The question is, can the 360 continue to deliver just as soon as the PS3 starts delivering?
Fortunately, I'm lucky enough to own both consoles so I'm rather apathetic. I just want to see great games on both systems!
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