No, I was thinking of Baseball Simulators 1.000 for the SNES which was also for the NES, but I still liked Baseball Stars.Bet no one has played Double Dribble for the NES. The only sports game that had me playing it for hours on end. My next choise would be Baseball Stars because I liked building up my own fictional team both on the NES and I think there was one for the SNES to.
darkman699's forum posts
Bet no one has played Double Dribble for the NES. The only sports game that had me playing it for hours on end. My next choise would be Baseball Stars because I liked building up my own fictional team both on the NES and I think there was one for the SNES to.
Yes, I have four, Saw 5, Batman:The Dark Knight, X-Men Origions: Wolverine and Spiderman 3. I plan to buy more but only when the movie comes out on that day because its cheaper on its release date. But I also play games on my PS3 to :P
well futureshop and best buy i know dont sell it cuz i went there the other day....[QUOTE="KrazyC18"]
?...Are you serious...?
Go anywhere.
WalMart, Best Buy, Future Shop, Superstore, Zellers, Toys R Us, HMV.Those places.:roll:
Of course they sell it. They were probably sold out when you went there.
I'd mention "Le source" (formally known as Radio Shack, but they never have a great selection of games, try Microplay, I don't know where in Canada you live or if they have them near you. Walmart and Zellers then would be your next best bet. And if they don't have any that just means they were all sold out and you may have to wait a week or more before they get more orders in.Why not little big planet? Its a great game if your looking for a non M rated games. Infamous is rated T, Hevanly Sword also rated T, Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction, Uncharted Drakes fourtune. This can be the only downside to the PS3, most of the games that I've looked at were rated M, not many that are T or E. Most of them would be sports games, music games ect...
whats a good game! i just got the ps3 slim with no games, i like fps, and racing so yeah just please help
Grand Theft Auto 4 should be right up your ally, its got shooting and car driving. And since everyone here will be mentioning FPS games, here are a couple of racing games: Need for Speed Shift, Dirt 1 and 2, Grid, Ridge Racer 7, Stuntman Ignition, Sega Rally Revo, Pure (if you like dirt bike racing) Most of these games got at least a 7 or higher on this site to. I haven't played any of them except GTA 4.
Zelda: Ocarina of time was my favorite, and I've played them all including the gameboy titles but excluding Twilight Princess since I don't have a Wii, and I didn't get the GCN version. As for it being the best? Well I don't know about the best but I can say it certainly is the most popular series.
So what are you 360 fan boys complaining about now? I still don't get the point of this thread or any other "PS3 is winning" threads. If some other system was winning over your 360 you'd be complaining about it to. System wars discussions always make me laugh :lol:
Well Blu Ray was developed and is owned by Sony, so unless they sell the technology to Microsoft which I don't think they will :P
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