Ok so today has been a really bad day. I got burnt for my cell phone. After school my friend wanted to see a movie i was like ok and we were going to go to the nearest movie theater. Of course I didn’t know where it was at so I follow my friends. They get off at the wrong stop (we were taking the train) and had to walk 15 blocks to get there. By the time we got there it was already 5 o’clock and I had to get back. So me and one of my other friend decide to leave and get on the 25 bus. One was already there but it was broken down so we had to wait for another one. The other one came and me and tony got on it and we were heading home when a guy in a wheel chair had to get off but the seat belt wouldn’t open so we had to wait 20 mins till some lady can and help him. At that time I was cranking jokes cause I was bored as shi* and my friend was laughing. Other people were laughing to, but thats a story for another time. So then the other one came and we decide to get on the blue line(train) and we stop a couple blocks before the place were we can get on the train and had to walk again. After an hour I get home tried as hell and hungry. Well as u can see this day sucked. If it wasn't for the part were I was cranking jokes this day would have suck like hell. The only thing that was going to make it better was getting laid.
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