i have the berries and milotic's nature is quiet, been trained with pokerus from lvl19 and is lvl60,moves are rain dance,hydro pump,water pulse and aqua ring (maxed PP of all moves) cannot eat more poffins
no srry,i have a shiny tyranitar,normal diagla,palkia,giratina,mesprit,uxie,azelf,articuno,moltres,zapdos,regice,regirock,registeel,regigas,cresselia,snorlax,lapras,gallade,infernape,garchomp,glaceon,leafeon,gliscor,rhyperior,aggron,dusknoir,mamoswine,milotic,golem,gengar,alakazam,salamence,lapras,rampardos,turtwig,piplup,cherrim,scizor,toxicroak,sudowoodo,delcatty,blissey,skuntank,magnezone,aerodactyle,anorith,heatran,all rotom forms (with 2 platinums,1 freinds and 1 mine kept restarting game), even manaphy,progyon Z and Spiritomb! not hacked some names may be other languages and can hold many items with them like master ball (i got 4 of them), i have the berries u need ,TMs. Want any?i mostly want totodile or torchic and charmander is my top choice :D but i can do with any kanto statrers,johto starters or hoenn starters,tell me if you wanna trade
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