-God doesn't know what you will do, rather what COULD happen. That tree was to test their faith to see if they trusted and obeyed him. -Angels can face tempation. It's just uncommon. One angel right? Uncommon. -Well, you see, back then, it didn't mater who you got-ahem- freaky with. A brother and sister marriage was common. So from Parent to children to their children and so on. -You'd be pissed to if he killed all your first borns. Wouldn't you do the same? -Um...maybe because he is...GOD PERHAPS? -Toughy, but like I siad it depends on the person. If your beuatiful, does that make you better? -Not true, because(it least in my Catholic relgion) we have Recocilation, which allows that person to accept or not to become of that religion. I respect you, but rember for a reason there is always an opinion.
I think ppl dont use pictochat. This would be usefull with Wi-Fi connection and (i think i read somewhere but i cant remember) the DSi pictochat is going to have the Wi-Fi connection (im not sure)
It's not. They didn't even change what It looks like. Sad.
If you have wirless broadband, go to the WFC Settings for one of the games. Search for acess point, and a list of routers will come up. Pick yours. if it has a RED LOCK, use the WEP on your router and type it in. If it IS A BLUE LOCK just click it. AND IF IT IS A GRAY LOCK, that router is incompatoble.
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