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I downloaded Mortal Kombat II from the Playstation Store.  The online play is so awesome.  I suggest you drop five bucks for it if you have a PS3.

Wii're getting set up

Well, I got a Wii a couple weeks ago but I never made the blog about it.

I currently have WarioWare and Sports, but that's not all.  I'm planning on buying a couple Gamecube controllers so I can play the games I missed last gen.  I already have a memory card, and I can't wait to get Sonic Adventure's 1 & 2.  I loved those games.

Let it flOw.

I just downloaded the game, and it is incredibly awesome.  There is really only one word to describe it as: Trippy.       It's just really neat.  I've never regretted buying a game ever, and this continues the trend.

datret's Top Ten Hawtest Games Evar List!

Here are the games I've thoroughly enjoyed and reak of hawtness:

# 10 - Sonic Battle

This brawler was one of the few Sonic games I enjoyed, it offered a fun expierence worthy of anyone who owns a gaming machine capable of playing GBA games.

#9 - We Love Katamari

If you've ever played this game, congratulations.  I've never had much more satisfaction than rolling up a pirate into a ball and knowing that he would be shot into cold, deadly, vacuum of space.

#8 - Bloody Roar II

Definitely the best fighting game I've ever played, not only is it satisfying to knock your opponent into a bloody mess of combo-fodder, but it is also a cool effect seeing all of your attacks glow as you shed him into nothing.

#7 - Prince of Persia: Warrior Within

Nothing better describes this game than this visual:  You run up worthless excuse for a fighter's stomach and land behind his back.  From there you (A)  Take his own sword and cut his head off.  (B) Throw him off of a cliff (C) Jump from him to another enemy and repeat.

#6 - Might Morphin' Power Rangers - The Movie

Shut up, you know you've never played this game, and you know you want to.  Do it.

#5 - Killzone

The melee sequences in this game are awesome, just like beating a guy senseless with the edge of your rifle before throwing him against the wall, as well as the satisfaction brought by capping a cyborgy-thingy in the head with a burst-fire pistol.

#4 - Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence

The single player mode is awesome, the online mode is a different type of awesome.  Get this game if you have a PS2/ PS3.  NOW.

#3 - Ape Escape

I love beating smart monkeys with a glowing nightstick then capturing them with a glowing net.  This game reins my favorite classic game of all time.

#2 - Elite Beat Agents

A secret government agency who dances people's problems away while still managing to keep its agents' tuxedos clean and spiffy.  HAWT.

#1 - Resistance: Fall of Man

I've never played a more satisfying shooter.  Every enemy, except for the Leapers and Rollers, ooze satisfaction.  Ecspecially the hyperactive little freaks known as Slipskulls.  And by the way, hyperactive little freak is a term of endearment, I love those guys.

Agents are go!

I just bought Elite Beat Agents, possibly one of the best and hardest Nintendo DS games evar.  If you own a DS, get it now, or I'll savagely beat you.

Teh Cybernetic PWNAGE

First of all, I lost my arms and legs in a freak accident involving an octopus and some Jenga blocks, but you don't want to hear about that.  The point is, I got cybernetic implants and army training, my new rank even says it...Or maybe its just my rank.

Second of all, I finally got the two emblems I rightfully deserved but didn't get at first.



Virtually There: PlayStation 3 Launch
For tuning in to GameSpot's live broadcast of the PlayStation 3 launch on the eve of November 17, 2006, the day on which the PS3 officially hit store shelves in North America. Did you see the lines for that thing?!

Virtually There: Wii Launch
For tuning in to GameSpot's live broadcast of the Wii launch on the eve of November 19, 2006, the day on which the Wii officially hit store shelves in North America (or anywhere in the world, for that matter). How many of those things do you suppose were sold on day one...?

So...How'd I get this?

Turkey Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey Turkey 2006 Turkey Turkey Turkey