datret Blog
I am now Han Solo...but you know...not Harrison Ford.
by datret on Comments
Level 22, Blaster Master...
BOOM. Headshot.
Sweetness! All three e3 emblems!
by datret on Comments
PS3 Price + Controller = Teh awesomeness
by datret on Comments
The PS3's price was reasently released, $499 for a 20Gig Hard drive and $599 for a 60Gig, awesome. It's a lot of money, but I think I'll be able to pull it off, but think about it, being able to store games, without the discs, in your PS3. They've actually said that you will able to do it.
Also, the controller will be the same controller, be with motion sensors. The test showed somebody using it as a throttle for Warhawk.
OMG Liek, pwnage!
by datret on Comments
Well, I just tryed MGS3 online...and read the title. It is way better than any online I've ever played.
Cardboard Box = $2
Pr0n= $3.50
Following a human enemy around while hiding in a box, then putting some porn on the ground so that when he turns around he'll be forced to look= priceless
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