bluray players dont have cell processor or rsx so i dont think they were that expensive to begin with. the price on them was high to entice you to buy a ps3 so they will look good with the bluray investors. But now thats done with, they need to get those bluray drives out and concentrate on the ps3 gamers.
look guys, yah bc got nerfed for UK , but the fact is.. we really dont know to what extent, maybe only games like barbie got hacked off or something.. we dont know how bad the damage is so we really shouldnt be jumping to conclusions saying you cant play ur old games,, maybe u have 200 ps2 games and they all could work... fact is,, we dont know.
its obvious you guys hate the ps3, you dont even want to write about it.. and obviously only xbots want to read your bias writings about it.. just take off ps3 support from your site, i dont even see a reason why your having it really.
sequal ur probably gonna fight the russians, but it wouldnt make sense cause the monsters are pretty much everyones enemy, unless not,. well no idea.. anyways dont expect the story to be anything breathtaking.
it seems most people that played this game find it fun, same as fl0w probably too. I actually like this about ps3 games, it may seem decieving, but turns out to be plain fun in the end, no smoke and mirrors.
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