davez82's forum posts
there were other publications that scored the game like jeff. Look at Game Informer, they gave the game an 8/10. I think alot of you haven't even played it yet, and you guys are still mad about thye score. I haven't played it yet so i wouldn't know and you can't say if someone disagrees with you their opinion is totally wrongRaging-Cashew
8/10 is based on a 1-10 scale...
gamespot scores pretty much on a 1/100 scale
the 8 could be anythign under a 9.0.. where as gamespot flatout said its 8.1, not 8.8 or at least 8.5 so its at higher than the ea launch games, but 8.1, they pretty much are saying this game is as fun as rr7 and worst than the ea launch games.
[QUOTE="Jack-Thompson"][QUOTE="pimperjones"]Because of the all mighty dollar, the numbers do the talking in this world. PS3 has a lower user base then the other system which shall remain unnamed. Ubisoft like every other publisher in the world including Mars, only care about potential sales. The unnamed system has way way way more users at this point in time hence it only makes sense for Ubi$oft to place more emphasize on the system that will generate to most potential sales. There's no such thing as loyalty in business, it's all about the dough. Trust me once PS3 hits that magic number in global user base then all those companies will come crawling back like bums. PS3's taking the blows now but we'll be back on top. pimperjones
Just like the Sega Dreamcast
Yeah it's sad how the tables can turn so quickly in the world of business. One day it's ass kissing and the next it's screw you we're going with the new guy. Sony is finally getting a taste of being the underdog. A Bittersweet Life. Give me a dime for every company that's postponing there PS3 lineup. Sony will come back.actually xbox is in the same position as the dreamcast was... sony always prevails in the end.. and i think sony is more evil than MS which is why i think sony can win this.
[QUOTE="pimperjones"]Because of the all mighty dollar, the numbers do the talking in this world. PS3 has a lower user base then the other system which shall remain unnamed. Ubisoft like every other publisher in the world including Mars, only care about potential sales. The unnamed system has way way way more users at this point in time hence it only makes sense for Ubi$oft to place more emphasize on the system that will generate to most potential sales. There's no such thing as loyalty in business, it's all about the dough. Trust me once PS3 hits that magic number in global user base then all those companies will come crawling back like bums. PS3's taking the blows now but we'll be back on top. Jack-Thompson
Just like the Sega Dreamcast
yah i agree.. the dreamcast had a much more userbase before the ps2 and now look what happened.. i think the ps3 version will be better anyways.
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