after quake 1 and duke 3d and halflife i havent seen much innovation in fps games. Its only now games are starting to use the "cover" mechanism in FPS games, everything has pretty much stayed at a standstill in gameplay.
because thats where all the dev's put there effort into, we are getting super awesome fps games but crappy adv / platform games. The dev's are just following the money.
the first RE was white killing white, there can be no racist implications here obviously
i think re4 and re5 take place in a specific place in the world, thats why teh zombies are black spanish etc.. , it just happens that the main characters are white. As for gameplay, a black zombie hiding in the shadows is a hell of a lot more scarrier.
but as for a white guy falcon punching "native" black people? yah something seems wrong with this picture, but its obvious the setting takes place in a specific part of the world so i dont see this as a problem.
you should have complained you cant play the HS demo cause your at work, now this is gonna get locked.. but yah i wish i could play the HS demo instead of work, 2 more hrs to go :(
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