Overall, this years E3 was largely successful in my eyes. The showing of many games that would be coming out in the realtive near future, the apparent progress in many hotly anticipated games that I myself am looking forward to with enthusiastic glee, and of course Peter Moore rocking out on stage. What was good about them, I will comment on here (Note: I did not witness Nintendo's press conference, so out of respect I will write about only what I have heard and small portions of videos I have seen):
Microsoft: I liked Microsoft's press conference, and admired their sincerity when it came to their promise of their games all coming out in this year. It was also shorter and more to the point, which always wins points in my book. There were some problems, however. I would have liked to see some more important news, and also some new games. Also, it seemed like Microsoft was sort of pulling a Nintendo this year, much like the previously mentioned company did as well, by "resting on their laurels". This is not good,because I like to see drive and determination, which Sony definitely came to the show with (due to their present situation).The addition of Scene-it is totally awesome though. Overall, I believe that if they continue to put their importance in keeping gamers satisfied,the 360 and Microsoft will have a very promising future.
Nintendo: Not much I can say about them, considering I wasn't able to witness most of their presentations. But, judging from what I heard it seems as though Nintendo's focus has shifted from what used to be their core demographic...the gamers. This doesn't upset me much to be honest, but I do find it unfair to all those who bought a Wii and expected it to provide them with things other than entries in the Mario franchise and...ugh, fitness games. Now, granted, it is good that Nintendo wants its gamers to be in at least a modicum of shape, but this is too much. If somebody wants to get fit, they'll pick up adumbell. In my opinion, if Nintendo doesn't stop with this constant barrage of "mainstream" games, I fear that they will lose the people that really should matter to them, the gamers.
Sony: Ah, Sony. How the mighty have fallen. In the time since they shifted focus from their black goldmine the PS2, they have seen thier previously unquestioned dominance turn into a joke among other consolefanboys and their own fans alike. Their presence this year was significantly better though, with many games that looked good, and also with a sort of scared humbleness and desperation. I found that very interesting to see Sony sweat for once. But, I do have to give credit where credit is due, and I believe that Sony did do a good job of coming back into the race. Now, I believe that people have become much too excited over this Killzone 2 business. The game looks good, but just like Halo 3, It seems like people are looking at the thing as the Second Coming or something of the like. We have only seen two videos, one a faux-realtime CGI trailer, and the other actual gameplay (hopefully). I think people shold wait before they start getting too excited, highly-hyped games can often disappoint, and it seems that Sony is putting a lot of their eggs in one basket with this game. Hopefully, for them, is does not backfire. Sony continuedits tradition of semi-lying to their customers with the recent price-cut. Now, when people heard of this they were excited, especially theSony crowd who saw it as a possible pathway to success for their beloved console. However,Sonykinda pulled a fast one with everybody after they announced that the price-cut would only be applying to the version of the console that was about to be discontinued and wasjust a way of having a"fire-sale" fortheir merchandise.Overall, this E3 could quite easily be descibed as the comeback for Sony, but they still need to get their act together if they want to have a chance to take Nintendo (which is winning the console war) and Microsoft (who console is very attractive and catered to extreme gamers).
Final Thoughts: I don't know who is going to win the console war. But, I know that this E3 has proved one thing...that all of the respective companies have kicked into overdrive to become the best. Mainly, this "war" is being fought by Sony and Microsoft, because Nintendo doesn't even appear to care (which strengthens my theory that they all have participated in some kind of psychotropic hallucinogens). I hope that all of the companies do well, but because of my own personal bias (which I have tried not to have affect this piece of writing) it is my wish for Microsoft to emerge victorious.
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