@RSM-HQ: I can't comment on Fallout 76 as I never played it and I didn't follow its development cause Fallout 4 was the final straw for me, so I kinda avoided 76. I like to support new IP games and Bethesda never rubs me the wrong way as I find their games a hit or a miss.
@RSM-HQ: Fallout 4 was boring, Skyrim is basically Bethesda best Elder Scrolls game they ever put out and Doom: Eternal is totally one of ID's best game yet. Bethesda isn't runt yet and I'm sure their lastest new IP game Starfield will deliver as I'm actually excited for that game to be honest. (I like what I've seen so for on Starfield)
After reading this interview, here are my thoughts.
It all falls down to having great GAMES! That's always a fact as to what goes for your system is what console gamers buy the console to play that game on it. Great games sure but, to hinge the success of Xbox solely on Starfield isn't correct. Phil Spencer is right regarding Xbox One being a colossus failure that almost killed the Xbox brand and at least he understands this but not the few die-hard Xbox fans. It will take constant success to rebuild the brand and back it up but that's gonna take months or years if they're lucky to release quality good games and people wonder why Xbox games never get's nominated on the VGA, just Nintendo/Sony for the past decades, and I for one still yarn to see MS get one of their games nominated for GOTY. Anyway, Redfall was a disaster. Time to learn from it and move on.
If Starfield isn't ready, it's not ready, so delay it if you must, and trust me, gamers will appreciate a good launch game should it never needs delaying
I'm a PC gamer first & foremost. Reading this interview tells me why MS is really pushing supporting PC as Phil knows its where the money is but he also needs to understand PC gamers want good quality games and they better run smooth and have no BS either. This interview is really gonna hurt die-hard Xbox fans for sure but I think he handle the situation well IMO.
@sladakrobot: You won't find any links but, probably from Video Game Magazines which cover more interviews in that era as Video Game Magazines were still a thing.
@illegal_peanut: While that maybe true, it's certainly better to play it through Game Pass then it is to pay full price and MS asking Redfall to be price at $70 is an insult IMO for what it's offering. I can see why they are pushing everyone to just play it on Game Pass so they can get those revenue numbers than trying to sell it.
Man, broken AAA games just can't catch a break this year lol.
All jest aside, Most of the reviews I've read & check are leading to a nope/skip this game. I'll still give it a try as I ca play it on Game Pass as it's been a very long time we'd had any games that let's you kill Vampires as I'm kinda getting tired of killing Zombies to say the least lol.
DaVillain's comments