Nice review GS. I will wait for Bayonetta 2 to be sale on Black Friday and I didn't practically like the first one but I'm willingly to give Bayo 2 a second chance.
Can't imagine what this game would have been like had it released at PS4 launch like initially planned. Pretty good troII job by Sony waiting until a couple months before launch to realize this game wouldn't be ready (after tons of preorders were already in). Not trying to be a d!ck, but they definitely deserve to be called out a little on this.
I don't know, Ruby/Sapphire back then was a Dissapointment for me, it didn't capture that greatness from Gold/Silver and at this point, I played Pokemon from Red/Blue through X/Y (didn't bother with Black/White 2) and now, pokemoned burn out so I'll pass on this one. Hope you guys have fun playing Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire.
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