dbzfreak's forum posts
I dunno about the graphics between the PS3 and 360 versions, but the PS3 framerate was awful.
I'm glad I'm getting the PC version.
I haven't played the 360 version, but surely it can't be as bad as the PS3 one. I'm surprised at how bad it is. Normally multiplats these days are near identical.
It doesn't surprise me, they did a horrible job with the first one. It's a developer not changing up how they code things enough when they port it over. Both the PS3 and 360 games should now be on par with one another. PS3 has been around long enough, this shouldn't be an issue any more.32xsurrealnumber5I actually owned that garbage. I loved it when I could take the piece that sat in the genesis out and still put my cartridge in the Genesis and it played still. 3DO and Virtual Boy are at the top of my list.
I just realized Louis is a Ripoff of Shaun (shaun of the dead) AAllxxjjnn:shock: OMG?! Teh CoNspiracYYYY!!!
I thought that was the point?
All the characters of Left4Dead are cliches from movies and other video games. It is trying to be like the cliche zombie movie.
That's what I gathered the first time I played L4D. Bill is the typical war veteran, Francis is the typical bad***, Louis is the minority group being represented, and Claire is the hot brunette that knows how to handle a gun.The other thing is with HD PPV, on demand service and downloads people simply aren't buying physical copies as much. Back when DVD came out I'd go out and rent a dozen movies at a time...now it's like who rents anymore when it's the same price for the same movie except now you don't even have to get up ???Ilikemyname420Downloading is still too painfully long for me. I do have Netflix though, will probably do the downloading thing more when I get a new PC...hopefully soon. :)
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