It's official, someone on SW writes for Yahoo!bez2083:lol: Oh that's good stuff. I think as someone else posted earlier, after what happened to the other handhelds that took on Nintendo, the PSP is doing fairly well actually.
dbzfreak's forum posts
I was around in the last 2 generations on this board, and some of the arrogance that sony fanboys touted was enough to make the most uncaring people frustrated and beaten.
I tried to defend the gamecube here, and the only good point was that RE4 looked better on the gamecube than on the PS2.
The arrogance will just shift from one fanboy group to another. It's how fanboys operate, it's not just cows. That's what cracks me up, when I hear people whine about cows or whatever fanboy group. They all do the same things![QUOTE="Javy03"][QUOTE="blue_hazy_basic"] Isn't it just? lol Thats why I put it up to be debated and no doubt knocked about! :PYet they ignore MGS4. Its not like the game needs any more attention its been praised by so many gaming outlets and companies but I find it interesting that they all praise GTA4 yet nobody mentions MGS4. Maybe its like he said "but it was British!"lol that might be part of it. I've seen other devs in awe of GTA tho. The difference between it and MGS is that one is open ended massive sandbox setting while the other you can script and is linear (plus has an awful lot of cutscenes). In terms of amount of gameplay GTA dwarfs MGS. It depends on what you are going for. Most people who like MGS, love the story, which is subjective. So if you like the story and history of the MGS universe of course the 4th one is amazing. It continues the story with some great gameplay added into the mix. GTA however, if you are going for an epic story, just doesn't click for some. Both games are great in their own right, just depends on what you are after.EDIT after all for devs, technical achievemets and sales are essientally what they are about
[QUOTE="The_Game21x"] Maybe they just thought GTA IV was a more impressive game than MGS 4. I certainly did. Javy03Its all possible, I mean the whole subject is subjective however I still find it strange that its not even mentioned. It's a game that has been talked about by most of the gaming industry and has been up for many award by almost every gaming site. How this game could be completly ignored and the PS3 bashed even though they improved drastically since 07 in every aspect, sales, games, quality, PSN. Its beyond me. It's because we live in a society that expects everything now, now, now! For them to say a positive about the PS3 it would have to be outselling the 360 now! Not slowly gaining ground, but completely obliterating 360 now! That's how we think. I agree the PS3 is gaining ground, but it needs to cover a lot more still. Apparently they think it's not gaining enough ground. I think it's gaining decent ground. The real test will come when the system hit's around that magical price of $300, that will basically give you an idea of how well it will sell.
Oh how the tides have turned :lol:
"360 owns 07! GS we love you!"
"GS is garbage, GS is the bias! 08 sucked!"
:lol: Yep, interesting how people change their minds frequently on here.[QUOTE="FirstDiscovery"]People were just expecting more given DJs comments It looks good, and the scenery will be amazing toobez2083Way too many graphics whores this gen, I swear. As long as its enjoyable as the 1st 2, mission accomplished. I agree with you on that. All it needs is the same addictive nature as the first 2 games. As long as the gameplay remains addictive, I'm sold.
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