At Blockbuster, we got in a single rental copy and grip attachment for Guitar Hero: On Tour, so I decided to rent it. I had considered buying it, and I'm glad that I didn't yet. That's not to say that the game is horrible, its actually quite fun. The biggest problem is that the game is incredibly short. I've only been playing for about 1 1/2 hours and I'm on the next to last set list (there is only 5 total).
The songs are pretty fun to play, and I actually know all but one so far that I've played. Not all songs are the master recordings, but the few covers are actually incredibly GOOD. There are little noticible differences between the original and the cover with the exception of some slight vocalist variations. The sound quality of the tracks is very low, which was to be expected based on the medium of the DS Game Card.
If you've read the Gamespot review of GH: On Tour, I think it was completely unfair. While the game is nowhere near perfect, it does exactly what it set out to do. That is, it has taken the Guitar Hero experience and made it possible to take with you anywhere. Keep in mind that it is no substitute for the full experience, it is enjoyable and worth at least a rental for the GH fan and the fanatic will certainly purchase it.
In other news, my wedding is less than two weeks away. Everything is very nearly complete with preparations. After this weekend, you will probably be seeing very little of me for several weeks. Don't delete me from your tracked list, your Live friends list, or any other means of contact you have with me. I will be around from time to time to check in on things.
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