Why is Chris still doing this? : D TBH I do prefer Chris's sense of misguided un-abated un-polished humor XD. Do you thing Chris, do your thing...
that's an interesting progressive number to stop at ... but hey, it's higher than 720p so I guess it's an improvement
Short version JJ; Video Games usually suck but don't worry we weren't expecting it to be good anyways.We are usually, as gamers, just hoping (a very small small small light of hope) for games based on movies to actually do well or turn out good.
what's a nintendo? "MEH" - DAMN bf3 pilots are a sin to mankind- 4 controllers max - ps3, ps2- VR can take a seat IMO - my eyes are messed up enough already as it is
@Butt_Chunx is there really anything practical about MG universe to begin with (rather than its borrowings from life)?
deafwing's comments