@noshotskill: Does it? I have all Bioshock Infinite through BC, but still bought the Remaster just for that specific One. Same with Borderlands 2. And if BL1, or Red Dead Redemption came out remastered, I'd buy them even though I have it through BC.
Xbox One for multiplats and their few exclusives and Sony for their exclusives. MS has made it clear that in 10 generations from now, we'll still be able to play our One games. Playstation has made it clear that you won't. It's bs too though because Sony has already said that the PS4 could play PSOne and PS2 games form the disc. I really don't know why they don't just update it. Or at least update PS4 with the PSOne digital store and let you play the games you own streaming through NOW. Sony sucks as a business. They've turned into what MS was 4 years ago and MS has won me back over. I guess that's why competition is good.
On the plus side, no Phoenix Wright. On the negative that list is pretty weak. It bums me out that all the extra characters will be DLC and not unlock-able like in MvC2.
@mwewerka: Ratchet and Clank is a remake not a remaster. And none of those exclusives are or look good. Maybe God of War. Yes I have both, so spare me. Multiplats are better on Xbox because when Scorpio comes out, I'll be able to play them. When the next Xbox after that comes out, I'll be able to play them. And after that guess what...? I'll be able to play them. But when PS5 comes out, Sony's going to nickle and dime us to use the games we already bought just like PS Now is doing right now.
@mwewerka: There's only one. Haha. Nice try. There's a remaster too. But only one remake. Sort of like the difference between The Last of Us Remastered, and Ratchet and Clank the remake.
Kingdom Hearts 3 will release in 2009...Disney buys Marvel in 2009..."we need to add Marvel worlds"...Kingdom Hearts 3 will release in 2012...Disney buy Star Wars in 2012..."we need to add Star Wars worlds"...Kingdom Hearts will release in 2013...PS4 launches..."We need to make this next gen, rework it"...Kingdom Hearts 3 will release in 2018......I'm guessing that confirms we will either hear about a PS5 by then, or Disney will buy another big franchise. Maybe DC?
I don't care how many platforms it's on. I don't care if they can figure out a way to bring it to the 3DO. I just hope the game ends up being Alan Wake 2.
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