I still want them to let me remove achievements from old games I only unlocked 1 or 2 in when the 360 launched. I know, it's not a big deal, but I really like achievements and trophies.
@neoistheone: But Halo 5 is probably the worst Xbox One exclusive so far. So numbers don't really work. Just because a game doesn't sell, doesn't make it bad or good. This is the reason COD gets remade every year.
@khanwashere: No fanboy. I just don't like what I don't think looks good. No matter what the reviews say either. Scalebound looked really bad. Horizon looks really bad. Games like Persona are really bad. I don't take sides. I loved Quantum Break. Probably second to Uncharted 4 last year. See, it's much better to just play the games you like than "pick a side." It's not a war, it's just the crazy people are weird whinny basement folk.
@Thanatos2k: Who cares if they're exclusive if they're good? If you want an RPG there are plenty. Get Fallout 4, Skyrim, The Witcher, Dragon Age or FF 15. Mass Effect is out soon too. Unless you really just want that JRPG dime a dozen crap they've been shoveling onto Playstation systems since PS One. Then you shouldn't be playing Xbox anyway. You probably shouldn't be playing anything really. They cancelled one crappy looking dragon game and a free to play MMO dungeon crawler and all the entitled whiners come out of the basement.
@helixt: You're looking at the 5% - 10% of bad Christians and comparing them with the 90% - 95%of bad Muslims. Hahahaha. Nope you're wrong again. Before you reply, I'm not Christian.
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