@hrv_25: There is a cinema mode. You can watch movies and play games on it. I don't have it but it was one of the features I was looking for too. Apparently it's a little blurry though for non VR optimized games. Not sure if it's been fixed or updated or if that can be. But it could be cool still. I want to know if you can adjust your "horizon" I'll call it. Like if I'm laying down watching a movie will the screen be in front of me. Or is the gyroscope always in line with the camera. If that makes any sense.
@ZeEzO: This is the main reason I get all my mutliplatform games on the One, and only buy exclusives on PS4. Their lack of caring about BC just tells me that all the games I'm buying now, especially the digital ones I can't resell, won't be playable next gen unless I keep my system. Which I have no desire to do at all. But MS has totally done a 180 in my book on all fronts as a business. The games may not look as good on the One, but you're damn sure when the One X and next gen system come around all my games will be there. I understand it's not an option for everyone to own more than one system, it's just my thought on it all.
$15? Hahaha. How about if we have the disc we can play it. Since Sony said the PS4 was capable of playing PS One and 2 games from the discs close to launch. Also it would be great if they added the PS One store. It's already been 4 years and besides better graphics, PS3 is still a way better system.
@alipower: Nah, I'll get the One X and be the happiest man alive. And you PCtards getting bent out of shape because people are excited about it only makes me happier.
@Terminator95: Are you trying to tell me that of the 300+ games I have on my original One, none of them with work on the One X? Damn, then I'm definitely not getting one. I'll pay three times as much on a PC that I have no games for. I'm sold, thank for being the deciding factor.
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