Don't play it if you don't like it child, and why are you even reading this article if you don't like Infinite. Me personally thought it was an absoloutley breathtaking experience and look forward to some DLC. 10/10
umm i think you need to check your facts buddy,, pure example of an xbox fanboy grow up child lol
You must be playing mw3 on I little 14 inch screen if you think it's great, chuck it on my 40 inch looks real bad, who wants play a game from developers who have only one focus and that is keeping it a 60 frames whilst sacrificing great lighting and textures, sorry man but u can't compare activision crap to a rockstar
"The new mode Gun Master even appears to be a direct lift of the Gun Game from COD." dude check your facts Im pretty sure there was a mod for counter-strike years before cod so don't go pointing the finger saying they be stealing off activision mate!!!! honestly it make me wonder if people like "Aaron Sampson" should even be at E3 when they don't know simple facts. Gamespot you need to rethink whop yo9u hire its given you a really bad name
deathBRINGER201's comments