@davillain- @deathmetalgod I realise that. But broken multiplayer doesn't drop a 9 or 10 down to a 6. Especially, like I said, the game is a 9 or 10 even without the m/player.
Chris, this review is why people go to IGN instead of GameSpot. Each campaign on its own is worth at least a 9, regardless of if the multiplayer works. You take the multiplayer out of this collection completely and it still gets a 10.
I disagree with Carolyn's reviews all the time. I know games are subjective and people have differing opinions on them....... but she is just SO wrong. Again.
I don't get why people are angry. I only used to use Jago anyway, back in the day. You only experiment with other characters for a few minutes, as a novelty, then go back to your favourite. What I'll be getting here is a free game, or maybe one for $5 if I buy Spinal too. I wish every game were like this.
Every edition of Street Fighter I've ever bought, and I've bought a lot, would have been free for me if they'd have done this cos I only use Guile.
deathmetalgod's comments