@TheExxorcist lol the £40 for xbox live is well worth the price.. i dont think i could survive without the party chat system to talk to all my gamer friends everyday... more horse power. hmm i guess you must have seen the specifications from your time travel machine because nobody has seen them yet lol.. sorry no. 360 controller still beats the ps4 one ha ha
@sadscooterpipe @deathwish026 aye.. theres been a few exclusives for the ps3 that ive wantged to play like the infamous games. but with next gen round the corner i just cant justify dropping £250 for a new ps3 right now.. the next gen will concrete the gaming industry as after these new consoles i doubt we will have new ones for 10+ years
@sadscooterpipe just fanboys my friend.. there seems to be fewer mature gamers on the sony team tho it seems... i only have an xbox 360 but i think the prices for both consoles seem ok.. not like last gens launch anyways
@SiLenTWarrior29 they shouldent have to shoot it down.. there being professional and not saying anything until they are ready and willing to talk about what they actualy have in store for there console... the fact the ps4 isent always online confirms that the next xbox wont be. mark my words sonny
ima laugh at all the fools who believed the rumours on the 21st when they get completely crushed.... then ima buy an next xbox and be happy that theres less fools on it
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