Of coures tales is number 2 and i also really like the tales series and i hope it does well, i also hope lost odyssey does well since it come out on the same day.http://amazon.jp/gp/bestsellers/videogames/ref=pd_ts_h/503-0432091-1552747?pf_rd_m=AN1VRQENFRJN5&pf_rd_s=center-1&pf_rd_r=0HZ7SF00NAPQB8MWJDWW&pf_rd_t=2101&pf_rd_p=50166106&pf_rd_i=home
Mass Effect was made by AAA game developers and masseffect had everything and it still flopped. what makes you think Final Fantasy 13 wont?
DMC4 looks to have the same dark look DMC3 had ... you sure you didnt just play dmc3 becasue it wasnt on the xbox?humber_matusno i hated the xbox 1 the 360 on the other hand. but i played dmc on the ps2 which i have had since 2001.
I like how it looks and everything. dmc3 was a complte turnoff for me it was to dark, but this one seems cool , i hope its not difficult.
this games comes out next year and theres no hype, square is finnaly making a new ip and peopple forget. this game will be awesome.
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