Why are we even discussing LO? It was hyped A...Carmilla31
its hyped A that doesnt mean anything until its actually recviewed. anyways people are posting poastive things about it and here you come with your negative comments, i for one cant wait for my aaa game.
no actually the ps 3 and360 are consoles to , no one cares how you feel about them wheter you think they are a console or a pc. and yes i read your thread
All thier games in the main series of dragonquest and fianl fantasy were almost all AAA. the also had a AAAA chrono cross and ff12 scored a 9.0 so it makes them the best rgp developer.
So ibought it played it for three hours and i was saving citizens , interrogating people, stealing wallets , riding my horsey, and oh assasinating well only one assasination in my three hour playtime. but this game is awesome and the combat is also awesome. ubisoft is the best.
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