@Trev9421 The Marvel was for the wife, she loves her some Thor and Loki -_-. The ACiV is all mine... my precious... I don't know if the differences between PS3 and PS4 ACIV were that big, but hot dang pancakes it is a pretty game to look at...
I picked up my PS4 over the weekend and I have to honestly admit, the launch titles are extremely weak this generation. The only retail game that was specifically made for the PS4 seems to be Killzone which got decent/average ratings. I picked up Marvel Lego Super Heroes and Assassins Creed IV. BOTH games mind you also came out for the PS3. Me and the wife spent the Saturday playing Lego Marvel =P
They give you a free 30 day PS+ card along with two more "free" games; Resogun and Contrast. I only DL'd Resogun and THAT was actually a blast to play.
If any of you guys are on the fence on getting a PS4... WAIT. Honestly wait until March or Feb of 2014 when more games will be coming out for the system. The PS3 still has GREAT games coming out for it on the holiday season.
How is hiring new people for HOLIDAYS newsworthy? Every retail business does this; you get Mall Greeters, Cashiers, Folders, etc.
Holiday Shopping is utter Hell on Earth! You can find comparable deals online without the hassle of Comic Con like lines and parking is atrocious. It truly is a Circle of Hell.
The workers there are nearly all temp with zero knowledge of the products they sell and most are trying to make a sell.
Really slow news day if GS is reporting on something so obvious. Whats next, "New video games are coming this Holiday!"
It cost a beefy $3000 to support a 4k PC rig. Say that every year those same specs get halved in costs, I think in 3 years it will become extremely affordable. I just can't justify spending no more than $800 on a PC, my wife would kill me!
@Trol1yFartsy @lordcolin88 I hate 3D! and 4k will require NONE of that. Until they develop 3D without the need for glasses or head peripheals... MAYBE... but as of now any film that offers me a 3D version, I scoff and pass.
This all stems from the fact that parents never want to admit they did a shitty job raising their child. They would rather blame rock, rap, blues, even classical music played backwards. They would rather blame commercials, schools, their environment rather than just own up and say, "Yeah, I probably shouldn't have bought my son Call of Death Rape VI"
Guns and video games are easier to target. If its black, shiny, and makes a loud noise... its an "Assault" Rifle. If my 10 year old is playing a video game where the objective is to steal from a bank he is automatically a master criminal...
@Dovahkiinknight Unless you actually go on a shooting range monthly or even bi weekly, chances are your a horrible shooter. Don't be fooled just because you score SSS on House of the Dead -_-
decoy1978's comments