No use releasing a new console if all it will offer is prettier graphics. Then it just becomes another PC. I like for the next-gen to offer smething more for consumers. Whether its cross-play, tablet, movement recognition. Something other than just prettier looking games will draw non-gamers in.
As it stands its real expensive for companies to try and come up software to match up hardware. If Angry Birds can be a huge success, then it flies against the face that pretty graphics = $$$.
Fuah, not an appealing game at all to me. Side-scrolling Castlevanias are also about exploration as well. I'm glad they are trying to branch out to a new direction, but does anyone remember Castlevania 64!? You would think, that with multi-million dollar production values, they would at least come up with an UPDATED Castlevania SotN.
E3 will stay West Coast. The only other convention center that MAY hold this many attendees would be Anaheim, I doubt that though. Other possibilities would be San Diego or Nor Cal, heck even Vegas would be a temporary solution.
If or when LA does get a football team, E3 will have to relocate for 3-5 years. As it stands there is no commitment from ANY NFL team to come back to LA...
I had a chance to see this at E3, it wasn't impressive at all. It wasn't fully 3D, but it was also not 2D. Maybe I'm just too old school for Castlevania. I remember the 8bit days fondly and for them to just be oblivious to that irked me some.
If this was not titled "Castlevania" I would have warmed up to it more. Sometimes a reboot will just sink a flagship.
Honestly, all the presentations were a bore. None of the Big 3 delivered anything that made me go "Nice!" In terms of upcoming games, Im quite surprise with The Last of Us, Assassins Creed III, and DMC.
I've been grateful enough to have been attending E3 since 2005. It truly is a testament to not only E3, but video games industry as a whole that companies have grown OUT of using E3 to promote their products.
2013 seems way too soon. At best 2014, early 2015. Sony even comented that there will be no PS4 news at E3 2012. But that could be a lie.
Is it just me or does it seem that the PS3 was released like a few years ago. =P Time flies so fast, its hard to believe that another System Wars is upon us.
In regards to digital; I do believe that digital is the way to go. I'm just not sure if its mean for CONSOLES. I'm a heavy supporter of Steam and other services that just DL games for your PC instead of having a hard copy. I just can't stand keeping track of CD Keys anymore.
Maybe a few more years, people will open up to digital video games. After all, we have Netflix, iTunes, Steam, digital comics... it should not surprise consumers if video games were to go that route as well.
decoy1978's comments